The bus

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“Nick what are you doing?!” Joe shouted as he stood up in concentration.

“You’ll see.” Nick muttered as he swerved to the right whilst sitting down.

“You boys and your video games.” Demi uttered as she picked up a small sausage roll from the snack table. Preston laughed as she saw Joe and Nick high-five in victory and Kevin clutch his curls in shame of losing.

“Better luck next time, Kev.” Joe jokes and Nick fist bumped him to show ‘no hard feelings’

“I swear I’m gone for a few weeks and he still prefers video games!” Dani, Kevin’s wife, laughs.

Danielle’s golden, curly locks trailed midway down her back. She put her hair through her hair, separating the curls, and brought half of it to the front of her shoulders. Nick walked over and sat on the arm of the chair Preston was sitting on and extended his arm around her shoulders. He leaned in and lent his head on her right shoulder.

“Did all that video gaming tire you out?” Preston mocked and she put her left arm through Nick’s curls. Nick laughed and rested his eyes shut.

Joe sat on the chair opposite Demi and put his feet on the end of Demi’s chair and she did the same to his. Joe grabbed a handful of grapes and threw one to Demi and she caught it in her mouth. Demi threw one back but it hit Joe in the eye.

“Well that failed.” Joe stated and he took the grape that rested on his face and popped it into his mouth. Demi giggled and threw another grape at Joe.

“This bus ride is so long.” Preston moaned.

“At least you get to ride with us. Everyone is boring!” Kevin said as he sat on the couch and slumped with his guitar in his hands as he started picking cords.

“Aisha, Micki and Laura are joining us at the next rest stop.” Demi said as she noticed Joe’s face pale.

“Dude, are you okay?” Nick asked Joe. Joe took a deep breath and took a gulp of water.

“I feel sick.” Joe muttered as he gulped again. Joe moved to the other couch and Demi sat beside him. Demi pulled Joe in and he rested his head on her shoulder.

“It was the sausage rolls.” Demi whispered and Joe nodded. Demi pointed to Preston and then to the window until Preston caught on. She stood up and opened one of the top windows in the bus.

After 30 minutes the bus had come to stand still and they had arrived at a rest stop. Demi was asleep on Joe’s chest and Joe led his head on the arm of the couch. Nick and Preston were behind the curtains on Nick’s bed as they fell asleep cuddling. Dani and Kevin had closed the doors to the back room and fell asleep there. The driver noticed everyone had drifted off and played ‘S.O.S’ by Jonas Brothers on maximum volume throughout the bus and everyone woke up startled.

“DUDE!” Joe shouted as he rubbed his eyes and waited for Demi to lift herself up.

Nick swung open the curtain and jumped down from his bunk. He landed the jump and ran his fingers through his curls as he turned to face his bunk. He reached in and wrapped his arms around Preston’s waist and carried her off the bunk and set her down gently. Nick stood behind Preston and made her parting in her hair how she liked it and kissed her cheek.

Joe saw Nick and Preston and laughed at their cuteness. Joe jokingly extended his lips to kiss Demi on the cheek and kept making kissing noises. Demi laughed and grabbed Joe’s waist and pulled him in with force and kissed him on the lips.

“That’s how you kiss!” Demi stated as she bit her lip. Joe noticed the bus doors open and he turned Demi around and slapped her butt to hurry her along. Demi let out a small shriek and turned and slapped Joe on the leg before walking out of the bus.

Kevin and Danielle joined Nick, Preston, Demi and Joe who were already sat down in a café with Aisha, Micki and Laura.

“Excited for the show tonight?” Dani asked as she stirred her tea.

“I would be but…” Nick trailed off and Kevin and Joe nodded.

“But what?” Dani and Demi said simultaneously and giggled.

“Well the thing is” Nick gulped. He hushed his tone and told the girls the gossip and why him and his brothers were nervous.

The girls gasped and Micki and Aisha looked at each other and then looked down in shame.

“What?” Nick asked as he noticed their sly faces.

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