The Finding

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“Can someone tell us why every single girl at this table just made the most devious face ever like they’re planning something?” Joe said as he stood up, confused.  Laura and Micki started laughing and Dani, Preston and Demi all smiled at their partners.

“So we might want to get the boys and Demi out of here.” Aisha interrupted as Joe sat down and sipped his coffee.

“Why?” Kevin asked as he arched his eyebrow and followed Aisha’s eye line. Meanwhile Nick handed Joe a napkin whilst shaking his head at how Joe managed to pour the hot coffee down his white shirt.

An eruption of OH MY GOD’s and camera flashes came bursting through the clear, double doors. Joe and Nick snapped their heads to see a wave of fans and paparazzi that had found their location.

“I guess a huge tour bus with the banner ‘JONAS BROTHERS’ TOUR’ written on it wasn’t very subtle” Nick said, frozen on his spot. Preston grabbed Nick’s hand and he relaxed. Joe took off the grey hoodie that hung on the back of his chair and put it over Demi, shielding her from the camera lenses. Kevin put his arm around Dani and they turned to face the back.

“Do you have a back door?” Laura asked a café worker and they shook their head.

“What fucking café doesn’t have a back door?” Laura sighed as she looked at the tour bus that was now surrounded.

“What now?” Joe asked as he looked at his terrified brother, who hates a lot of people around him at the best of times.

“I say we just walk through and sign as many things and take as many photos as we can to satisfy the fans and well ignore the paps.” Kevin said as he watched the café workers try and keep everyone outside.

Everyone nodded but Nick.

“Nick, are you happy with that?” Joe asked as he let go of Demi and put his hand on Nick’s shoulder. Nick nodded and they all walked through the crowd, however Joe stayed close to Nick as Laura, Preston, Aisha, Dani and Micki all rushed inside the bus as they weren’t the famous ones.

Everyone piled into the bus and slumped down on the chairs. Kevin, Nick, Joe and Demi all let out a collective sigh.

“Oh it must be hard being rockstars” Aisha said sarcastically and Demi threw a pillow at her with a giggle.

“Big Rob is gonna be mad we went out without him” Kevin mentioned as he moved his sweaty curls from his brow.

“You got that right.” Big Rob mumbled as he scrambled onto the bus. The large body guard grabbed Joe’s arm and lifted him up so he was standing. Big Rob sat in Joe’s former seat and rubbed his temple.

“I told you never to go to a café like that without me.” He said with a smug look on his face. Nick grabbed Preston’s waist and pulled her down so she was sat on Nick’s lap. Joe sat on the sofa next to Nick and Preston and lifted his feet onto the coffee table.

“That’s what happens when you ride on a different bus!” Kevin corrected from behind the glass doors as the back of the bus.

The bus journey continued until they reached their destination. To say they were relieved to finally be able to walk on solid ground was an understatement.  The sun blazed through the curtains of the tour bus. The chirping of the birds woke Joe up from his long dream. He groaned and rubbed his eyes before opening them. He noticed Demi wasn’t led beside him, although she was last night. Joe jumped out of his bunk and walked around the bus but found no Demi.

“Steve?” Joe called for the driver.

“Do you know where Demi went?”

“I heard a sniffle and then she said she needed some air. I didn’t want to ask questions so I opened the door for her when we arrived.” He replied but Joe felt worry shiver down his spine.

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