The Embrace

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The next morning came around and to Demi’s surprise; she was in a good mood.

It was a 3am wakeup call. Usually this sent Demi and everyone else into an ‘everything’s annoying me’ mood. 

Demi got dressed and went to the rehearsal space where mostly everyone gathered. Joe walked in late as usual and blamed it on his alarm clock not sounding; everyone in the room knew he was just lazy. Rehearsal was slow and everyone was seen either in huddles talking or blanking Demi completely. Of course Demi felt insulted and isolated. Joe stuck with Nick the entire rehearsal. At lunch time Joe told Demi he was spending it with Nick in Nick’s room alone because his blood sugar was low and Nick was in a bad mood.

Demi understood but realised everyone else had plans for lunch, so she went to her hotel room and ate there. When lunch was over and everyone gathered back for rehearsal Demi felt like everyone was ignoring her, and they were. Every time Demi tried to ask someone a question about her positioning they’d shrug with a short “I don’t know.”

By this time she was mad. Demi knew better than to confront Joe so she went to Nick.

“What’s going on? Everyone’s ignoring me and-”, Demi tried to finish but Nick just looked at her with a blank expression. He shrugged just like everyone else had and Demi waved him off and her temper rose.

It was 7pm and Demi was in her hotel room. She had just showered and got into her favourite dress to mark today’s occasion, even if only she knew it. She wanted to finally confront Joe and she made sure she looked her prettiest when she did.

Demi walked past Nick’s room and heard nothing. The same went for Kevin and Danielle’s room. Demi felt that something was out of place as she continued down the hallway of the hotel. It was handy that everyone’s rooms had been booked so they were next to each other. Demi reached Joe’s room and found the door open. Once again she heard nothing. She walked down to the hotel desk and asked if anyone had seen any of her fellow cast members, friends, family or boyfriend— she even asked the paps and fans waiting outside the hotel— but to her embarrassment everyone said no.

Demi walked into the back alley where her car usually sat, but she found no car and no driver. She found no one, anywhere.

Demi felt a log in her throat and butterflies in her stomach. Where is everyone?  She thought to herself.  Demi was about to walk back inside the hotel when she heard an unfamiliar tone.

“You’re early Ms Lovato. Your ride awaits.” And a black stretched Limo reached Demi’s side. Her face only showed confusion and the driver laughed to himself.

“It was booked by a Mr Nicholas Jonas.” And then Demi’s thoughts became dishevelled.

“I believed it was in his name but his brother booked it. Something about not being able to use his name because of the last time she booked a limo from our service.” The driver continued and Demi thought back to the last time her and Joe were in a limo and they ended up getting champagne everywhere.  She laughed to herself but then remembered she was mad at Joe for ignoring her all day.

Demi stepped inside the limo where a single table in the middle rested with one lonesome party popper left. Demi sighed as she felt the vehicle move.

The next thing she knew her door was opened and she stepped out. She was by the entrance to the beach and the driver just smiled and pointed down the pathway that went through the beach.

With some reluctance, Demi finally took the trail. As she got closer she heard beats of music and laughter and giggles.

“SURPRISE” everyone yelled as she walked onto a wooden deck where a huge marquee had been set out with a banner across the top reading ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEMETRIA’.

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