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Yeah, you heard me right I'm pregnant and the doctors said I can have an abortion and right now, that is best for me but I'm not in any rush. The room went silent because my parents didn't even know the news and to be honest, I wasn't planning to tell them. I felt embarrassed so I kicked everyone out the room and I just laid in bed thinking about my life up to now. Someone knocked on the door and it was the nurse who let herself in, she was an older lady.
" Hey babygirl, how ya holding up?" She asked while checking what she needed to.
" Um.. not that well."
" Can I give you a woman to woman talk, since your becoming a woman now."
" Yes ma'am." I sat up in the bed a bit.
" I'm not trying to be in your ear or even tell you how to live your life but what are your plans with this baby?"
" To be honest Ms.Rose, I want to have an abortion but I do not believe in murder, especially on an innocent baby."
" That little lightskin boy, your boyfriend?"
" Somewhat.. we getting there."
" You thinking if you keep the baby, he wouldn't want you no more?" She asked while checking my monitor. I mean that was a good question she asked I wouldn't be happy with myself trying to have a relationship while I'm pregnant and not even carrying his child.
" Well.. do ya think that?" I couldn't answer and she then sat beside me.
" If he really love you like he say he do then he would care less who is technically the father of this baby, all I'm saying is that okay this was not a planned pregnancy but don't hurt a innocent life on your selfish wants and needs but you don't have to listen to little ol' Ms.Rose." She said while getting up and leaving my room. I heard my phone ringing and it was Sarah.

" Hello?"
" I'm so sorry for what happened to you, Celine." I didn't know what to say because the flashbacks kept coming up.
" Celine? You still there?"
" Yeah, I just caught a mad headache." I lied.
" Well.. I hurry and get off the phone with you then. I'm coming by tomorrow to visit you."
" I'm leaving tomorrow."
" Who you going home with?" She asked.
" Whoever picks me up, but I don't want to go to neither my mother or Christopher."
" Why not Chris? Oh please don't say you don't trust him that was out of his hands."
" The boy kept referring to my boyfriend.. look, I'm going to talk to you later."
" What boy?"
" Bye Sarah." I hung up the phone and turned on my side to go to sleep, but found myself turning on my back thinking.

Christopher -- Next Morning
I found myself waking up early than before. Everything just been happening too soon, so I decided to get ready until I seen my phone started ringing and it was my aunt.
" Hey Aunt Vale."
" Hey aunt baby."
" So wassup?"
" Oh, I was seeing around Thanksgiving, which is sometime to be next week, that I can stay with you?"
" Um sure.. I have a bedroom available."
" Okay and your mom suggest that we have the family dinner at your place."
" My mom? you know what, I don't mind having the family over here."
" Aw okay, well let me go before your cousins tear up this house."
" Aunt Vale they is twenty."
" My point exactly, alright baby." I laughed and hung up the phone.

" Celine Chestnut."
" You go through those double doors and her room number will B201." I nod my head at her and went through the double doors.

I knocked on her door and walked in the room to see her sleeping, so I sat up and watched her as she just peacefully sleep until I found myself drifting to sleep.

After my nap, I woke up to someone hand intertwined with my hand then I slowly looked over and it was Christopher's. I instantly smiled for some reason I been treating him wrong but no matter what he stood by my side. I just let him get his rest because it was only 12:16 p.m. still a bit early then a nurse came in with brunch, it was a Caesar salad, which is pretty good. Not too long after they left the room, Chris woke up.
" Oh hey, I didn't know you was up." He said while stretching.
" Yeah, I just not too long ago woke up. So, what bring you down here?" I asked while eating a forkful of salad into my mouth.
" To check on my babygirl and baby." He said as he rubbed my belly on the last part.
" Aw, thank you Chris for being here for me and at this point in life I'm really down and need someone by my side.." Then he cut me off.
" Celine, I've been here and always will be now give me kiss." I leaned in and kissed him.
" I love you Chris." I broke the kiss while looking into his eyes then my mom barged in the room.
" Hey Celi.. What are you doing here?" She asked when she looked at Chris.
" I'm here to visit my girlfriend and check on her."
" Oh whatever and Celine baby, I talked with the doctor about the whole abortion appointment he said all he need is a day to do the process."
" Mom.." I said looking down then Chris started talking.
" The hell? She is not having an abortion."
" For one, Chris it's not your baby nor your decision. I want the best for my daughter and having a " rape " grandchild is not in my favor."
" Are you serious right now? How can you live with yourself?" He then walked out the room.
" Christopher?" I yelled.

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