Mismatched Socks and Break Ups

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One Year Ago

"So what are you doing today?" I look up from my cheerios and look at Lou. He's wearing one of my shirts and it practically goes to his knees.

"You look hot in my shirt ya know." I gasp. Shiiitt.

"I look hot in everything but that still doesn't answer my question. What are you doing today?" He grins behind his own bowl of cereal leaning back against the counter.

"Working." I shake my head trying to clear my face of the blush.

"Can I come?"

"Not if you wear that." I say as I wash my bowl and put it on a towel so it can dry.

"But I thought I looked hot." He pouts.

I nod drying my hands on the side of my sweats, "That's the point." Lou looks confused before understanding dawns on his face. "I might have clothes from someone I slept with before if you'd like." I say, not bothering to hide that fact that I may or may not have gotten around.

He makes a face of disgust, "Like hell will I wear some other hoes clothes. Well besides yours. I like you and your hoe side." He grins.

"Sassy bastard." I mutter going to get changed for work.

"Sexy, sassy bastard."

"Conceded much?" I ask turning around and spreading my arms apart.

"I prefer truthful and confident."

I grin, "You're still sassy."

"Its all part of the charm Harold."

In the end Lou ended up wearing one of my old high school sweatshirts and his pants from last night. I wasn't sure about his underwear but I was just going to let myself believe he was commando. Because where else would the fun be? That's right no where.

I, myself, just wore a black button up with dark jeans. I rolled up the sleeves a fourth of the way up because Lou said it was hot when guys did that. And I of course wanted him to think I was hot so therefore I did it. Judge me. At the moment I couldn't find any matching socks so I just grabbed one black and one grey sock.

When I walked back into the kitchen, I saw Lou putting on a gray sock. I glanced at the other sock that was sitting on the table. Black. "Hey. Wait! Here. Now we can have socks that match." I say as I try to hand him the other grey. He shakes his head.

"Matching socks bring bad luck." He pushes my hand away. I gave him a confused look. "When I was like thirteen, one of my sisters told me that matching socks bring bad luck. I had told her she was just being annoying, but that same day I fell in front of this extremely hot guy and failed a test. I never fail tests. So after that day I've never worn matching socks." He grins sheepishly. I chuckle and shake my head, before pulling on the mismatched socks and my normal tennis shoes.

I would usually wear my black vans but I always wore my tennis shoes to work because they were slip resistant. And when you work with needles, the last thing you want to do is fall while holding a needle.

"Ready?" Lou nods.

After I lock my door, Lou grabs my arm and put it's around his shoulders and entwines his arms around my waist. He's short enough that he doesn't have to lean over at all and can just stand close to me. I find it oddly adorable. I also like that fact that it'll show that he's with me, which confuses me just a little bit because I've never really felt like this about somebody. I decide not to think to much on it and just go with what feels right. And right now having my arm around Lou with his around my waist feels right.

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