Pyscho Mom's and Helpful Dad's

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"Get out." She didn't even look at me.

"Mom, I-"

"I said get out! You are not my son! I am not your mom! You are not apart of this family! Not until you repent for your sins!" She shrieked, voice hysterical.

I could just imagine her face. Her make up was probably botched due to anger. She had the same look when I told her I was gay.

I slowly get up and Lou does the same, his smile having faded when she walked in. "Mo-"

"I don't even want to hear it Gemma. How dare you let him into our God fearing home! Shame on you!"

"Shame on me?" I look back to see Gemma now standing, angrily face our mother. I shake my head in a skgnal to tell her to back down. She ignores me even though I know she saw. "Shame on me? No! Shame on you! That is your son mother. You brought him into this family!"

"Which means I can take him out!"

"The fuck is does not!"


Lou gasps and I hold my breath. Gemma clutches her cheek, tears forming.

"I will not have that kind of language in my household!" She turns back to me, eyes bitter. "You!" She storms towards me, "This is your fault!" I step back, flashing back to when she stabbed me because I had been making out with another guy. "If you hadn't become a sinner. A homo! A fucken faggot!"

"Who's cursing now, Mrs. Styles?" I glance at Lou, pulling him towards me once mom's hatred filled eyes turned on him.

"And who are you? To tell me what I've done in my own house? You're probably one yourself. God knows you look like one." She spat out.

"Louis Tomlinsom, ma'am. And you'd be correct in that matter. I'm so gay I could breathe on you and you could feel it." He leans closer and does exactly that chuckling as she recoils.

She brings her hand back and raises it. Just as she goes to slap Lou, a hand grabs her wrist.

"I think that's enough Anne." My father says, not looking at her. But instead he's looking at me instead. "C'mon. I'll show you two out." I glance once more at my mother before I turn on my heel and leave with my arm around Lou's shoulder.


"Yea Lou?"

"Your moms pyscho." He whispers, makings me laugh.

I nod, "I know."

"Harry." Lou and I both look up.

"Yea dad?" I say hesitantly, not wanting another repeat of what just happened.

"I just want to say I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what happened when you were still a teenager. I'm sorry for not answering when you called. For not writing back when you wrote. For not caring what happened after you left. For not helping you when you needed it. I'm just- I'm sorry. For everything."

I look up from the ground, not having been able to keep eye contact through his apology. I take in his appearance, his eyes were sunken in and he had clearly lost weight. He used to be a heavy man but now I could barely describe him as chubby. "I- You're not really the one I need the apology from. I mean you ar- I mean-"

"He means thank you. He appreciates your apology. He does. He just doesn't know if he can let it go right away. It'll take some time. But I'm sure that eventually he'll be able to forgive." Lou says quietly, looking at my father.

I nod, "Uhh. Yea. Lou pretty much summed that one up perfectly."

"How long have you guys been together?"

"We aren't together." Lou says at the same time I say,

"We've known each other about three months or so."

"You aren't together?" He questions.

"Nope. Waiting until he doesn't expect it to ask him." I say, smiling down at Lou.

"Ahh. I remember those days." He says understandingly. "I suppose I better go back in and do some damage control." I nod and wave goodbye as he goes back in.

Well this went swell.

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