Cheesy Pick-up Lines

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1 Years Ago

Unkown: So I guess I haven't heard all of the pick-up lines. I heard a new one today.

As I read the message, the only person I could think of who it could be was Louis.

Harry: Louis?

Unkown: Ding Ding Ding! We have a winner!! ;D

Harry: So what was the pick-up line?

Louis: This girl came in and went 'I don't need a spoonful of sugar to swallow you' and I was like 'Sorry I'm gay. Here's your check'

Harry: Thank God. I thought I was gonna have to pickup my game.

Louis: You ain't got any game to begin with... she didn't even tip me smh

Harry: I'll give you a tip ;))

Louis: Stfu I hve to go back to work now. TTYL

Harry: I might come in ;)

Louis: If you're hungover again I'm going to make Danielle serve you.

Harry: It was one time!!

Louis: Whatevs g2g

As I stood up from my chair, I grabbed my wallet and jacket. I was eager to leave my barely furnished apartment, I always was. I had a small TV in the corner of my living room with one black La-Z-Boy recliner and a black couch. I had nothing else because when I was moving in I had told mself I would barely be here unless I was getting laid or sleeping. I hated being alone so I decided that since I no longer had any rules except for the ones I made I would be out and around people as much as possible. The rest of the apartment was the same, the kitchen having the essentials, fridge, stove, table, and a few chairs, while my bedroom only had my bed.

When I walked out of my apartment building, I was thankful I had grabbed my jacket because it was windy and freezing. I pulled my jacket tighter around my body as I walked the 7 blocks to the cafe because I didn't want to pay for the bus.


The cafe only had an old man napping in one of the chairs by the coffee table and a teenage reading her book in of the the corner tables. As I scan the the cafe looking for Lou, I see him wiping down tables and dancing to the music by on the speakers. I walk up to the counter and grab the bell to ring for service and lean back onto it and ring it, looking directly at his ass. He looks up in annoyance, rolling his eyes when he sees me.

"Is that really necessary, Harold?" I scrunched up my nose in annoyance at the nickname.

"Harry, my name is Harry."

"Not anymore. What would you like to have?"


"If you're going to say a cheesy pick-up lines I'm going to ignore you for a week."

"Fine. What do you suggest?"

"I, myself, just like a caramel frappe."

I nodded, "I'll have that then." He turned and went about making my frappe. He turned around and handed me my drink. "How much?" I asked digging for my wallet.

"Four dollars and twelve cents."

I handed him a five, "Just wait. I think I have twelve cents." I dig around in my pocket and find three nickels, two dime, six pennies, and a quarter. I hand him a dime and two pennies. Louis nods and takes my money handing me my change of a dollar. I grab my drink and take a swig of it. I nod. " 'S good."

"Of course it is, I made it."

"Conceded at all?"

"Nope. Confident and truthful." He says winking.

I walk backwards until I reach a chair and sit down, all the while never breaking eye contact with him. He glances at his watch, and turns around to make another drink. As I watch him, slightly confused because there wasn't a customer by him. When he finished making it, he came and sat across from me with him elbows resting on the table. "So tell me about yourself."

"Is this a pick-up line?" I ask him, smirking.

He laughs, a semi high pitched sound that makes me smile. "Only if you want it to be." He replies, raising an eyebrow and and sipping his drink.

"Why know about me, when I could know about you?" I ask, raising my arms to the table and lean closer.

"You're right. You're probably boring whereas I'm fabulous." I chuckle as he lean even closer.

"Can't disagree with you on that one."

"My favorite color is pink. And I like to read. I'm seventeen and have already grauduated, top of my class of course." He pauses, playing with the straw of his drink.

"I like yellow. I a-"

"Yellow?" He interrupts.

"Yes, is that a problem?"

I, just, ahhh... nevermind. Keep going."

"I'm nineteen. I hate reading. I ha-"

"You hate reading?!" He screeches, making the old man who had been lightly snoring jolt awake and glance at his watch before promptly falling back sleep.

"Are you going to keep interrupting me?"


"I have also graduated but I sucked at school so I was probably at the bottom of my class." I finish. He nods, as I rest my chin in my palm and study his face. He had his dark brown hair styled up in a quiff. His eyes were the clearest blue that I had ever seen. He was just absolutely stunning to me.

"What?" He asks nervously.

"Where have you been all my life?" I ask leaning back and crossing my arms over my chest.

He snorts. "Hiding from you."

I grin and wink, "Guess you're not very good at it, then."

"I haven't heard that one at all!" He says smiling and rolling his eyes.

I lean back in and whisper, "C'mon Lewis, I know you want me."

"Want you to leave."

"You're funny." I say, laughing.

"And you're funny looking."

I scoffed, "I will have you know I'm the hottest guy you will ever meet."

"Roses are red, violets are blue. God made me pretty. What the hell happened to you?" He said mockingly. I finish my drink and think, If I believed in love, I would see myself with him.

Yea, but we all know no one could love a fuck up like you.

Shut up. I snarl at the voice in my head.

"So would you might want to go to a movie or something with me sometime?" I ask.

"I've already seen it... but I guess I'll go see it again. I mean after all, it's a waste of your time to use all those perfectly, cheesy pick-up lines with no end reward." He says winking.

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