Shopping and the Gorilla Man

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7 Months Ago

"Babe. You need to go groceries. Wanna go to the store? I'm fine going myself if you don't." Lou asked, leaning on the door frame of my bedroom.

I groan before getting up, "Nah. I can go."


"Hey Princess." Lou turns to me and I put what I had found on his head. He takes it off before putting it back on.

"A tiara? Really?" He giggles.

"Yep. Just wanted everyone to know you're a princess. My princess to be exact."

He rolls his eyes fondly. "Go get the milk, you dork."

It takes me a little longer than I would admit to find the milk, but when I do I grab to before heading back to Lou.

"Nice ass." I look up to see some dick talking to Lou.

"Thanks. I was born with it." Lou doesn't even glance up from the grocery list. He crosses something out and starts to walk away.

The muscle-man grabs Lou, "Baby Doll, it's not nice to walk away from a man when he's talking to you."

"Good thing no man was talking to me then isn't it." Lou looks up before flinching away in fear. The guy could break Lou with just a squeeze of his hand. I walk over and put the milks in the cart before I wrap my arms around Lou's waist.

"Problem here, Princess?" Lou shakes his head, pressing closely against my body. "Good to hear." I nod as if satisfied.

"Whatever. You're probably not a good fuck anyways." I turn around and punch him, hearing a sickening crunch.

I growl in pain, I smile, satisfied when I see his nose, now crooked. "Harry! Oh gosh! Are you okay?" Lou takes my injured fist in his hands pressing kisses against it softly.

"Yep. I think I broke my fist though. Let's finish shopping, then we can head over to Zayn's so he can check it out."

Zayn had taken nursing classes in college for a semester before he dropped out. He also knew a thing here and there about broken bones because of all the drunken fights he had gotten into with me.


"Damn mate. You broke it." I glare at Zayn.

"Wow! Thanks. You're a miracle worker."

"The hell you want me to do about it? You gotta go to the hospital for that one." I roll my eyes before demanding that he take me. Which he does of course.


"May I ask you how you injured your hand?"

Lou snorts, "He punched some gorilla man."

The nurse looks up, "Gorilla man?" I laugh.

"Some asshat thought it'd be cool to insult my boyfriend. So I punched him."

"And he looked like a gorilla."

I smirk before nodding. "Yep. Minus the hair though. He was bald." The nurse chuckles before walking out shaking her head.

We wait a few more minutes before she comes back in and takes care of my hand.

"Alright. You guys should be good to go. Try not to use that hand at all."

I groan, "I'm a tattoo artist! How can I not use it?"

She smirks and raises an eyebrow, "Figure it out. Just don't use it. And if you need to wank, use the other hand." Zayn spits out the pop he had been drinking before laughing like a hyena.

"Shuddup Zayn." I grumble, face getting hot.

"Or you know I could always help with it." Lou wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making the nurse laugh.

"I don't care what you do just don't use your right hand. Understand?" I nod to show I did.



Wow! Four updates in one day!! Am I on a roll or what?? :D

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