Voicemail and Fights

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Two Months Ago

"Babe. Babe. Baaaabbee. Baaabbyy. Stahp ignoring me."

"I'm busy."

"So? Pay attention to me."

"Babe. I'm really busy. This is the last test I have to finish before I'm done with my classes."

Lou huffs crossing his arms and turning away from me. After about five minutes he gets up and grabs his coat heading towards the door. "Babe. Where are you going."


"May I ask why?"

"Because he doesn't fucken ignore me."

"Louis, I already told you! I'm not doing it on purpose! Seriously. Give me another half hour and I'll be done with this!"

I watch him clench his teeth and can basically see him counting to ten. "You've been ignoring me for an hour and a half already."

"You know what? What the fuck ever." I throw the pencil down onto the table and stand up to face him. "C'mon Lou! Let's play twenty questions. Cause it's so damn important for me to not ignore! Even if its not my intention. God knows Harry's the only one that messes up. Tell me, Louis, what did you do today? Oh! That sounds fan-fucking-tastic. Let me tell you about my day. I had to wake up at 5:00 a.m. and go to class. The last class I'll have to go to might I add. Oh and let's not forg-"

Lou opens and slams the door, walking out. I turn back to the test so I can finish it.


30 minutes later

"Hey! I can't come to the phone at all! Please leave a number and if I think you're worthy, I'll call you back. But let's face it! No ones worthy of Louis Tomlinson! Leave a message!"

Its the third time Lou has sent me to voicemail.

Whatever. If he was going to act childish, then I was going to go out and get drunk.

This wasn't the first fight that we had had. We'd been fighting a lot recently. Always over stupid shit though. Like the other day, Lou forgot to get milk and I went complete ape shit on him. And I have no idea why! I mean it was just milk.

I had tried apologizing, but it led to another argument of me being ungrateful. After that we stopped apologizing, instead just letting the fights go unresolved.

Part of me felt like of we had make-up sex, it would be fine. Except there was no make-up sex. We hadn't even had sex yet. Almost half a year together and no sex. I was scared to bring it up, fearing the start of another fight.

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize I had gone to the club Lou and I had gone to the night Nathan had made fun of him for his nails. I realized then that that was the last time I had gone clubbing.

Running my fingers through my hair, I walked inside with the plans to drink away my misery.


I stumbled out of the random girl's apartment that I had slept with the previous night before.

Shit. Lou. What the fuck am I gonna tell him? I'm just not going to tell him. I'll make up some lie about staying over at Zayn's or some shit like that. He can't find out.


One Month Ago

"Harry!" I look up from my coffee cup. "No! Don't run away. Seriously! I'm fucking pregnant, you arsewipe. And it's your's!" I freeze, unable to keep running from the one night stand girl.

"But- I- Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure." The familiar  blonde girl from the drunken one night stand says.

"Ar- Are you keeping it?" Oh shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What about Lou? What am I gonna tell him? We had just stopped fighting. For good. We hadn't fought since the night I had gotten drunk.

"I'm not aborting it if that's what you're asking. But I'm not keeping it."

"Look uhmm...." Fuck. I don't even know her name.


"Look, Emma, I'm in a relationship! And I have been for longer than half a year. I'm sorry but I just-"


I clutch my cheek in pain. "What the fuck?!" I gasp.

"Arsehole." She says in her British accent.

I sigh heavily, rubbing my face with the hand not holding my coffee. "Look. Let's just exchange numbers. And we'll go from there. I have to- Shit. I have to tell my boyfriend somehow." She takes a marker from her bag and writes her number on my hand. "You know you could have just typed it into my phone right?"


God, she's an idiot.


A/N Oooo! Soon we'll be caught all the way u!

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