Receptions and Kisses

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"Her dress is really pretty, don't you think?"

"I do. I bet you'd look even pretty in it though Princess." I wink at Lou as he flushes red.


I throw my arm around the back of his chair, "In all honest, I'm kind of glad the wedding part is over." Lou looks at me questionly. "Cause I can get drunk at the reception and not look like a complete dick."

"You're not getting drunk."

"Umm... Aaaannndd why not?" I turn just my head, body still facing the newly weds as they dance their first dance.

"Because I say so. Duhh."

I smirk and lean close so I can whisper in his ear, "Babe. Yes, I am."

He leans closer and does the same to me, "No. You aren't." I laugh and shake my head, letting it go.

I turn my head and face the couple again. I quickly lose interest again and take in the entire reception room. The Malik's had money so they had been able to afford the most expensive ballroom. The wedding had taken place in the groom's hometown. And the reception was being held in the city thirty minutes away.

The ballroom itself was extraordinary. It was two-story with the second floor still having a view of the first floor. From where I was sitting I could see the balcony on the second floor. I knew already that the balcony had an amazing view of the lake from having been up there already.

"Wanna dance?" I snap out of my thoughts and glance at Lou.

"Yea. Why not." I stand up before dramatically bowing, one hand behind my back and using the other hand to pull Lou up.

"You're a dork."

"I'm your dork though, right?"

Lou taps his chin as if in thought, "Hmmm.... I'm not sure actually." I tickle Lou's side making him squeal. "Okay. Okay. Okay!! Harold!"

"Lewis." Lou fakes gasps.

"Frog face."

I look at him curiously, "What'd you call me?"

"Nothing. I said I wanted to dance." He increases our pace towards the dance floor, giggling.


Several Dances Later


"Hmmmm?" Lou asks sleepily, not taking his head off my chest.

"Will you do me the honors of being my boyfriend?" I ask softly, bending down so I can whisper into his ear.

He snaps his head up, no longer tired. "What?" He demands. "Ask again." I chuckle before repeating my question again. A grin forms across his face, ear to ear. He nods vigorously, "Yes! Yes! So much yes!" He reaches up and pulls my head down for a kiss.

His lips are soft. It starts off slow before getting heated quickly. It's practically like our lips were made for each other. They fit perfectly and moved completely in sync.

We pull back for air, foreheads resting against each other's. Someone clears their throat behind me. "You are really disrespectful. If you're going to sin, do it somewhere else. Not on a day of celebration." I didn't even glance back. I just closed my eyes and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Styles. But you are correct in this being a day of celebration. So we have to ask you to not be so negative. I mean after all this is only my wedding day." I turn to see the bride, arms crossed.

"Me? I'm not the one you should be lectur-."

"I'm going to have to ask you not to raise your voice at my wife." Brian, the groom, interjects while nuzzling his face into his new wife's neck.

Lou slowly pulls me across the room towards the door. My mom and the newlyweds to into arguing to notice.

"I can't wait to go home." I mumble against Lou's head. Lou agrees before pulling my head back down for another kiss, this time with no one able to interrupt us.

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