Chapter One:

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'Okay Angel, you can go home now.' My boss, Anthony smiled at me.

'Thanks.' I smiled at him and walked into the backroom of the bar, grabbing my handbag. I heard the door open and Anthony had followed me to the room. He was fairly tall and thin with dark hair that he slicked back. He always wore silk black dress shirts that exposed the dark hairs on his chest. He was a good looking man, and a complete gentleman, but as many times as he had asked me out on dates, I had always politely rejected.

'Any plans for the rest of your afternoon?' He leaned against the large desk.

'Not really, I might just relax at home and watch a few movies.' I sighed in delight at the idea. I had been working most days and I was excited to have the night off.

'Sounds good. Well if you want company, let me know.' Anthony waved a hand through his sculpted hair with a flirty exotic smile.

'Sure thing.' I said, then gathered up my things, signaling I wanted to leave.

'Have a good night sweetheart.' He pecked my cheek, then turned back to the bar. I shook my head and rolled my eyes, then made my way out to my car.

I drove home slowly and I parked in my driveway, quickly opening the front door and walking straight into the bathroom. I drew myself a bubble bath and grabbed a beer from the fridge. I took my clothes off and got in the bath while it continued to fill up around me. My muscles stared to relax and I took a long sip of the beer, sighing in content. I shut the water off when it was full and lounged in the tub, stretching out and rolling my head back on the side of the tub. I sipped on my beer and placed the empty bottle beside the tub. Closing my eyes, I just lay in the tub until my fingers turned to prunes. Sighing, I drained the tub and stepped out and into the shower to wash the dirty bathwater off of me. I quickly rinsed off, washing the smell of alcohol off my hair and body, then stepped out, wrapping myself in a towel. I applied all my moisturizers in the mirror and looked at my features.

I had nice tan skin, lips that were full and pouty, my skin was clear and glowy and my eyes, which was the major feature of my face, were big and a bright golden colour, they were like liquid, and danced off the light. Everyone was always so mesmerized by their beauty, they hardly questioned how strange they were, how inhumane. Which was logical considering I was half werewolf. My hair tumbled from the towel and I brushed it through, it fell in loose glossy dark brown waves down to my waist. I shook my hand through it and jumped at the sound of my phone ringing. I rushed to pick it up and frowned at the unknown caller.

'Hello?' I answered.

'Angel?' A woman's voice questioned.

'Yes? Who is this?' I frowned.

'It's your aunt Vivian.'

I almost dropped the phone from the shock.

'Hello?' She said when I didn't answer.

'I'm here.' I was wary. Aunt Vivian hated me, she was my fathers sister. She was a werewolf, like my dad, and she hated me because I wasn't a full breed wolf, I had some features, but I could only transform for a limited time on the full moon, and I had no choice but to transform on full moon, like every other werewolf. She thought I was a disgrace because I couldn't transform whenever I wanted at will like the others.

'It's your father. He's dead.' She said, a little bitter.

'What?' I was breathless for a minute and quickly made my way to sit on my bed.

'He died in a wolf fight. The funeral is tomorrow.' She worded it like she hoped I wouldn't go.

'Tomorrow?! You know how far away I live! There is no chance!' I screeched, panic taking over me.

'Well I forgot to contact you until just now.' She defended herself.

Tears welled in my eyes and I tried to get a grip while I spoke to her.

'Give me the details. I'll be there.' I wrote down all the information she gave me then hung up. The tears overflowed silently.

My father wasn't a huge impact on my life. He had a one night stand with my human mother and then I was born. I didn't meet him until I was five, but he still told me everything about my heritage as a werewolf. He didn't really mind that I was only half wolf. He loved me anyway. I saw him when I could but it wasn't very often. Sometimes it would be yearly, other times, it would be a few years until I saw him. But he called when he could and told me of his adventures. He taught me how to hunt and be a wolf when I did transform and after awhile I got the hang of it, it was my second nature. I just wished I could control it and turn whenever I wanted.

My mother had passed away when I was nineteen and then it was just me. I hadn't seen my father since her funeral but he tried to stay in better contact with me. He was all I had left. I sniffed and quickly wiped my face. I needed to make arrangements and get to him in time for the funeral. I dialed Anthony's number and grabbed a suitcase from my wardrobe, folding up clothes and filling the suitcase.

'Angel, you want me to come over?' He sounded excited.

'Anthony, hi. Um. I just got some news and I need some time off.' I said in a hurry.

'Is everything okay?' He asked me carefully.

'My dad died.' Was all I could manage to say.

I half tuned out his shock and sympathetic words. He had questions but I just couldn't answer them. He gave me time off until whenever I wanted to come back and I thanked him, hanging up. I threw some underwear in the case and a few black dresses and heels for the service. After tossing in my makeup bag and other bits and pieces, I zipped up the case and threw on a white underwear set, grey leggings and a white tank top with a black jacket. I locked up my house and threw the case in my car, already taking off. I made my way along and set up my GPS on my phone. Following the roads and leaving the town. I pressed my foot on the gas pedal and prayed I would get there in time.


Thank you for reading the first chapter of my story! Please, tell me your thoughts so far, I would really appreciate it. I know this chapter is short, there will be a mixture of shorter and longer chapters throughout this story.

Question of the chapter; What are your favourite types of stories to read on Wattpad?

Until next time, have fun and be safe!

Half Blood Luna #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now