Chapter Twenty Four:

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Angel's P.O.V

I let the water from the shower try to wash away the memories. It didn't work. It never worked. It had been two months since I had been taken and it was still hard. Luke hardly ever left my side, he would help me with anything and everything. I'm surprised I'm even showering right now without him here. But I knew he was training. I sighed and washed my body. Physically, I was fine. My body had completely healed and I was back to myself. But mentally, I was a wreck. I still have night terrors about the time I was there. I still picture Rory prodding me and the entire experience. Luke didn't push me at all, but I could tell it was taking its toll on him, not being sexual with me. It had been months. But he hadn't mentioned it once, he knew I wasn't ready and he wouldn't push me. Tara was noticeably pregnant now, not that Luke and I had really spoken about it. He didn't have much to do with her really, he still didn't think the baby was his, as much as Tara swore it was. I didn't know what to think. It scared me and made me angry that he could have a baby with another woman. I sighed deeply and stepped out the shower, wrapping myself in a towel. I pulled on some black underwear and went to the wardrobe. I threw on some jeans and a white tank top and walked downstairs.

'Hey Ally.' I mumbled, sitting at the table.

'Hey honey, how are you? What would you like to eat?' She kissed my head gently.

'I'm okay. French toast please.'

She nodded and walked through to the kitchen.

I looked at my engagement ring, firmly on my left ring finger. Luke and I had spoken and I had agreed to wear it, to stay engaged to him. But I refused to marry him until things with Tara and my issues were sorted out.

'Hey baby, I didn't know you were up.' Luke's voice made me jump. I looked up quickly, he was standing across from me at the table. He glanced at the ring I had been fiddling with and then he looked back into my eyes.

'I didn't see you come in, sorry.' I muttered.

'You okay?' He was by my side in an instant, tugging on my chin to look up at him.

I nodded, trying not to let the tears fall. I didn't want to tell him I had another night terror while he was gone.

He stared at me for awhile, trying to read me. He sighed and sat beside me, giving up. He was wearing basketball shorts and a black tank top. His tan skin glistened with sweat.

'King, what do you want to eat?' Ally asked as she handed me my breakfast.

'An omelet please.' Luke mumbled.

I started taking small bites of my toast and then sighed, putting it down.

'You gotta eat babe.' Luke sighed.

'I'm not hungry.' I looked down.

'Eat. Please.' I looked up, his eyes were pleading with me. I huffed out a breath and kept eating. As I finished, Ally set down Luke's omelet and he ate it in record time.

'Plans for today?' Luke looked at me when he was done.

I shrugged.

'Do you wanna go out for lunch or dinner or something later?'

'No thanks.' I looked down.

'Luke, Angel! Hey guys!' Maria bounded into the house and hugged us both.

'Hey.' I mumbled.

'How are you doing beautiful?' She looked at me with sad eyes.

I shrugged again and Kyle walked in, hugging me and clapping Luke on the back.

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