Chapter Twelve:

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Angel's P.O.V

He was cheating on me. He denied it over and over and begged me to believe him but I just knew something was wrong. He hadn't chased after me that day. I heard him call my name, but that had been it. I spent that night in my old room. And the two days since then. I sighed, forcing a spoonful of yogurt in my mouth.

'Good morning Alpha.' Ally said brightly. I refused to turn towards him.

'Hi.' He replied, his voice cracked.

'What would you like for breakfast?' Ally asked.

'Steak and whiskey.' He grunted and sat at the table, head in his hands.

'Uh, excuse me?' Ally asked, a little surprised.

'I want steak and a bottle of whiskey.' He barked at her.

'Uh, yes Sir.' She muttered and disappeared.

My phone buzzed and I held it to my ear.

'Angel!' Kelly sang.

'Whats up?' I replied, pushing my yogurt away.

'You, me, a club, alcohol and a heap of hot half naked men, what do you say?' Kelly asked me hopefully.

'Pass.' I frowned.

'Oh come on! We are two extremely hot wolves who need to flaunt what we got.' She whined.

'Well I'm only half wolf, so.' I shrugged, hoping it was a good enough excuse.

'Oh shut up, I've seen you pull some better moves than a full blood. Plus did I mention I have set up a super sexy guy for you? He's rather excited to meet you.' She giggled.

'I'm not interested Kelly.' I groaned. Ally set down a bottle of expensive looking whiskey in front of Luke and I saw him open it and start chugging it down. I knew his eyes were on me, listening to my conversation.

'Oh trust me honey, you're going to be interested. He's a wolf.' She whispered the last part. I saw Luke twitch.

'I don't care.' I rubbed my temples.

'Oh you're just saying that because you have never been screwed by one of your own. Angel, you will be thanking me.' She giggled.

'Look a lot has happened since we last spoke Kelly.' I sighed.

'Tell me about it, I heard along the grape vine that King Alpha found his mate!' She rushed.

'God, I swear you know everything. You're such a gossip.' I muttered.

'My sources don't lie. I'm disappointed really. That man is fine. Not that I've ever met him. But he is a legend. And not just because he's King if you get what I mean.' She giggled.

'I've heard.' I growled, I felt my eyes brighten with anger and I fisted my hand on the table. I turned my eyes to glare at Luke, who looked down at the table.

'You sound just as annoyed as me. I don't know who she is yet but I mean, she's obviously not going to be able to satisfy him. He's like a God.' She sighed in awe.

'Yup, that's what I heard.' I said bitterly and Luke flinched and tipped back the bottle of whiskey, his head low.

'Sleeping with him was one of my biggest goals in life. Lets hope I still have a chance. It's public knowledge that he is the main feature in almost every woman's fantasies. Mine included.' Kelly giggled again.

'I'm hanging up now.' I growled.

'God whats your problem grumpy? You need to let loose and let some sexy wolf bang your brains out. Aren't you lucky you have me to set up such things?' Kelly laughed.

I pondered that. Obviously not the sex, but going out. I knew it would drive Luke crazy. And I liked that. I smiled slightly. 'You know what. You're right. Lets go out.'

Luke's head snapped up to glare at me.

'Yay!! Angel I'm so excited!' She screamed.

'Where are you staying? I'll come over tonight we can hit the clubs from there.'

'Well at the moment I'm just staying with some guy. His brother is actually who I'm setting you up with. Don't worry he's totally your type. He's tall, ripped and manly as fuck. That's still what you're into right?' She sighed.

I just laughed in response.

'That's what I thought.' She chuckled and gave me the address. I hung up and leaned back in my chair.

'You're not seriously going right?' Luke's voice was sad and worried.

'Why not? It'll be fun.' I shrugged without looking at him.

'But you're mine.' His voice was small.

'I'm not yours. I'm a person not a piece of property. Plus it's not like I have your mark on me.' I held his eyes evenly.

He looked like I had stabbed him. The hurt the crossed his face made my heart tug but I didn't falter. He had hurt me.

'Angel.' He whispered.

'Well I gotta go to the gym.' I interrupted him and stood up, walking away.


Luke's P.O.V

She walked away and out the house. My heart shattered. She truly believed I was cheating on her. She had no idea. My health was getting worse. I hadn't slept, the headaches were somehow getting worse and I kept throwing up my own blood, choking on it.

'Here Alpha.' Ally set a plate of steak in front of me.

'Thanks.' I muttered and tipped back the bottle of whiskey. I hoped it would help with my pain, and now it wasn't just physical pain. I was a wreck. All I wanted was Angel. I wanted her by my side, telling me it would be okay. I wanted her to tell me she loved me. I wanted to feel her beside me. But she hated me. She never gave me an opportunity to try explain and, frankly, my head was throbbing to much for me to hardly string a sentence together. It killed me knowing she was going out tonight. I knew she was only doing it to get back at me. I bit into the steak and chewed it down. I had a couple of mouthfuls but then I felt my throat thicken. I grabbed the whiskey bottle and quickly went up into my room, throwing up blood and chunks of steak. I sighed, feeling new cuts in my throat forming from all the puking. I sat on the tiles and threw up again. I didn't care that I was probably covered in blood. I sat there with the whiskey bottle and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I hadn't cried since my mother had died. Even when my father killed himself, I had been shaped into a warrior and I only felt anger. Yet here I was, the famous King Alpha Luke Bane, sitting on his bathroom floor with a bottle of whiskey, puking blood and crying over a girl.

'Angel I love you.' My voice croaked, then I threw up again, my tears mixing in with the blood.


Thoughts? What do you guys think of Kelly?

What about Angel's choice to go out?

I split the two POV's in one chapter, instead of making two separate chapters. Just because they are both very short and these are important lead up chapters.

Question of the chapter; The age old deal-breaking question, PlayStation, or Xbox? I personally love my PlayStation!

Song of the chapter; Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran

Because this song is beautiful! Whose with me?!

Thank you for reading! Please show me some support!

Until next time, my Queens and Kings. Be safe, have fun, and I want you to look in the mirror, at your beautiful self and say, I am beautiful, I am fierce, I am strong. I am a Queen/King. And I will not let anyone treat me any less than I deserve!

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