Chapter Twenty Eight:

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Angel's P.O.V

It had been a few weeks since the news had come out that Luke was the father of Tara's baby. It stung, it really did. I hated seeing her carrying his child. I hated how smug she was about it to, always rubbing it in my face. Luke hated himself, I could tell. He was constantly trying to make sure that I still felt important, and I appreciated it. But I still hated him for putting me in this situation. I got out the shower and sighed, wrapping a towel around myself. I still hadn't slept with Luke either. It had been so long, and I was ready, but I didn't want to sleep with him while I was mad at him. I knew it was driving him nuts. He was a lot more tense and he would snap for the smallest thing, he was really stressed but I just couldn't, not until we were stable. I walked in the room and pulled on a pink lacy underwear set then brushed my hair, sitting cross legged on the bed. I rubbed moisturizer all over my body and then Luke stepped in the room. He froze when he saw me on the bed and his eyes turned almost pitch black with lust. I finished rubbing the moisturizer into my leg and then stood up.

'You good?' I asked when he hadn't moved.

'Uh huh.' His voice was deep, husky and sexy.

I rolled my eyes and walked into the closet, closing the door. I heard his low growl but chose to ignore it. I pulled on some denim short shorts that were frayed at the ends and a red flannel shirt, tied up at the front to expose my stomach. I walked back out and fluffed my hair up. Luke was in the shower. A cold one, I assumed. I stifled a satisfied grin and put on some light makeup, looking in a small mirror, then I blow dried my hair, letting it sit in it's curls around my waist. Luke groaned and I jumped in surprise, turning to look at him. Water droplets were on his chest still, making his muscles glisten. He was only wearing a towel around his waist, it was under some pressure. I chuckled and rolled my eyes.

'You always look so good.' He groaned again, appearing in front of me.

'Well thank you.' I smiled.

His eyes looked over me with hunger.

'You should get dressed and sort that out.' I pointed to his bulge.

'You could help with that you know.' He grinned and stepped closer to me, holding my hips.

'No thank you.' My voice shook and I silently cursed my weakness.

'I think you want to.' He laughed darkly, sensing my shake. He leaned down and kissed my forehead, then my nose, then my lips. I couldn't help the ball of pleasure that circled in my lower stomach. He kissed me gently, then he deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist, holding my body against his, his hardness digging into me. He lifted me suddenly and pushed me against the wall. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he groaned, kissing down my neck.

'Luke, no.' I told him.

'You don't mean that.' He mumbled, he was so sexy I felt myself melt.

'Luke.' It was more of a moan than anything else.

'Yeah baby?' He grinned against my skin.

'Ahh.' I let my head roll back against the wall as his teeth grazed the small crown mark on my shoulder. His hands pulled at the tie for my shirt and then he pulled it off my shoulders so I was in my bra.

'Fuck you're so beautiful.' He groaned pressing against me, making me moan.

I loosened my legs for a second so his towel fell, then I tightened them again. He carried me over to the bed and placed me down, then a second later my shorts and underwear were gone. He hovered over me on the bed and he kissed down my chest, taking off the bra.

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