Chapter Twenty:

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Luke's P.O.V

'New desk I see. And laptop.' Kyle smirked at me in my office.

'Yup.' I said, not looking up from the contract I was reading.

'Why?' He collapsed into the chair opposite the desk, a huge grin on his face.

I glared at him but couldn't help the smile that escaped.

'It's a good thing we have money. I've had to replace just about every piece of furniture in my house. A few times.' Kyle sighed.

I snickered. I thought back to Angel's need for me that day. The excitement that filled her when I threw everything off my desk to lay her on it. Even when I broke the desk, I felt her excitement. Of course she wouldn't admit it, but it had turned her on.

'So, when are you planning on doing it?' Kyle mumbled, leaning forward.

'I dunno.' I sighed and reached into my new desk, pulling out the small velvet box, sitting it on the table. I had pulled Kyle aside the day we all went to breakfast to help me pick out a ring for Angel. I wanted to marry her.

'I'll do it soon.' I continued, nervously. I touched the box and opened it. I knew she wouldn't want something like Maria's ring, she would want something elegant and classy. I knew she would love the ring, I just didn't know how to go about giving it to her. I wanted it to be perfect, but I wasn't exactly romantic

'She'll say yes bro. She has already bonded herself to you. Marriage is nothing compared to the bond.' Kyle reminded me, sensing my nerves.

'I know.' I sighed and placed the box back in my desk.

'That Jason guy is alright by the way.'

'I didn't ask.' My jaw clenched automatically. I wanted to go rip his throat out if I was being honest. I wanted so badly to take out my anger on him that day. But I knew if I did he would be dead in one punch. So I had held back so much that is was painful. But it was still good to lay into that pricks face.

'His jaw is broken, he needed surgery on his nose to fix it and you shattered his cheek bone. Plus a lot of bruises and cuts.' Kyle shrugged.

'He got lucky.' I muttered.

'I know man.'

'Angel got pretty pissed off with me that night.' I rubbed my temples, remembering.

'I bet.'

I finished signing some paperwork and photocopied them, handing half to Kyle and filing the rest away.

'Alright bro, I gotta get home.' Kyle stood up.

'See ya man.' I nodded and he walked out. I stretched out and got to my feet, then went to go find Angel. She was in my gym. I opened the door and music filled my ears. Angel had placed some requests to Vance last time he had to replace some of the equipment and now there were some bars for her to balance on as they got higher to the ceiling, a normal punching bag, a climbing wall and a pole. Which I was obviously curious about but she informed me its just a good workout. I stood in the doorway and leaned on the wall. Angel was standing on one of the beams about four meters from the ground. She walked along it easily and then casually stepped off so she was hanging on it by her knees. She gracefully did a slow flip, then she landed on the ground. She took a deep breath and bent into a back bend, her palms flat on the gym floor. Fuck. Angel's foot kicked up and then she was in a handstand. She slowly took one arm away so she was balancing on one, she held that for a minute or so, then flipped back onto her feet. I heard her sigh and she eyed my punching bag across the gym, biting her lip. She looked between hers and mine and skipped over to mine, touching it gently with her hand. I watched her carefully as she poked and prodded it, then she spun and sent her foot flying into it. The sound echoed off the walls but she frowned.

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