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Katniss Mellark sat in the living room of her home in the Victor's Village of District 12. Her children were in the kitchen with their father, Peeta, who was teaching them how to bake. Katniss sat in her loveseat in front of the fireplace, which held a warm, lively fire. A television rested above the mantel, which normally remained off. The only time it was on was when they wanted to know what was going on in the other districts.

Katniss and Peeta had each participated in the Hunger Games two consecutive years; the 74th and the 75th Hunger Games. After many months of fighting, the rebels of the districts took down the Capitol, restoring peace to all 13 districts. Katniss and Peeta returned to District 12, along with others who had originally survived the bombing of their district and Haymitch, their mentor. Haymitch visited the family at least once a week. They would have dinner together and talk about their lives after the fall of the Capitol.

Today was one of those days.

There was a knock at the door, and before Katniss could get up from her seat, her daughter, Rue, ran to the door and flung it wide open.

"Hi, Uncle Haymitch!" she cried. "Are you looking for Mommy? She's in the living room."

"Thank you, Rue," Katniss heard Haymitch reply. "I'll go and see her."

Katniss and Peeta had named their daughter after one of Katniss's allies in their first Hunger Games. Rue was from District 11 and was only twelve when she was chosen. Rue Mellark had dark brown hair like her mother, but her eyes she got from her father: bright blue. Rue's brother, Finnick, was named after another tribute and friend of Katniss and Peeta that they met in the 75th Hunger Games. He had helped save their lives many times, but he was killed by the Capitol's muttations in their sewers. Finnick Mellark was blond, like Peeta, but had grey eyes like Katniss.

A moment later, Haymitch entered the room. He was wearing brown boots, dark pants, and a flannel shirt.

"She's getting more energetic every day, Katniss," he said.

"I recognize that," Katniss said with a smile. She stood up and gave Haymitch a hug. "How are you?"

"Not bad. Trying to find ways to keep busy."

"Staying away from those drinks?"

"Trying to. I've limited myself to one or two bottles a day."

Katniss sighed. Haymitch used to drink no stop, but he was trying to limit himself; for the Mellark's sakes.

"That's good to hear, Haymitch."

Rue walked into the room with a tray of hot chocolate and cookies.

"Would you like something to eat, Uncle Haymitch?" she asked, offering him a cookie.

"Don't mind if I do," he said.

They each took a cookie and a mug, then Rue left the room. The two Hunger Games victors ate their cookies and drank their hot chocolate in silence. Katniss glanced at the floor. Next to the fireplace, hidden, was a box of old films. Katniss knew what kind of films those were; they were the videos of all the Hunger Games before the fall of the Capitol, including Katniss and Peeta's.

"Haymitch," Katniss said. She looked up at her old mentor. He was a man in his mid-sixties, a dirty-blond and looked liked he hadn't shaved in a week or so. Haymitch meet her questioning eyes. "Did you ever love someone? Before the Capitol ruined everything?"

Haymitch stopped mid-sip. He placed his cup in his lap and swallowed his drink.

"There was someone," he said. "But it was only a little while after my year in the Games. She was chosen the next year."

"Was she from District 12?"

"No, no. She was from District 11. The victor of the 51st Hunger Games."

"Is she..?"

Katniss didn't finish her sentence. She didn't know if this girl was alive or killed by the Capitol after her victory.

"I honestly don't know if she is or not, Katniss. I never knew what happened to her."

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