Chapter 27 (Returning Home)

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Effie sat in the living room of the Mellark's home. Rue and Finnick were playing on the floor. It had been two days since Peeta, Katniss, and Haymitch left. Rue looked up at Effie.

"Aunt Effie?" she asked.

"Yes, darling?"

"Where did Mommy, Daddy, and Uncle Haymitch go again?"

"They went on a business trip, Rue. They should be returning any day now."

Finnick walked over to the window and looked outside. After a moment, his face lit up and he squealed.

"Good gracious, Finnick!" Effie said. "What are you so excited about?"

"They're back! They're back!" he cried.

Little Finnick ran to the door and hurried outside. Rue and Effie followed after him, but stopped when they stepped outside. Walking through the gates to the victor's village was Katniss and Peeta, holding hands.

"Mommy!" Rue shouted. "Daddy!"

She raced after her brother. Katniss and Peeta knelt down and opened their arms to receive the welcome from their children.

"Hey, you two," Peeta said.

"Where you well behaved for Aunt Effie?" Katniss asked.

The two nodded.

"Yes, ma'am," Rue said. "We had lots of fun!"

Katniss picked up Finnick and Peeta held Rue's hand as they approached Effie, who was now halfway towards them.

"How were they?" Katniss asked.

"Splendid, Katniss," she replied. "Just splendid! They taught me how to bake cookies. Wonder who they learned that from."

"That's right, Daddy!" Rue said. "The cookies are in the oven!"

"Well," Peeta said. "Let's go see if their done."

Rue smiled and ran towards the house. Peeta walked after her, leaving Effie, Katniss, and Finnick in the yard. Effie smiled at Katniss.

"So what did you find?" she asked, obviously dying to know the details.

"Well, Effie. That's hard to explain."

"Look, Mommy," Finnick said. Katniss looked at her son. "It's Uncle Haymitch!"

Katniss and Effie looked at the gate to the Victor's Village. Haymitch was walking in with a young woman at his side. They walked up to them.

"Well, well, Haymitch," Effie said. "Isn't this a surprise. Who's this?"

"Effie, this is Rosalinda Cobain of District Eleven and victor of the 51st Hunger Games," he said. "Rose, this is Effie Trinket. She was Katniss and Peeta's escort during the Games."

Rose extended her hand and shook hands with Effie.

"So you're the one who kept Haymitch in line all that time," she said. Effie laughed and smiled.

"I must say, it wasn't easy at times."

"It's great to meet you, Effie."

Haymitch led her away from the three and towards his home. When they disappeared inside his home, Effie looked at Katniss.

"What's with him? He seems so much... happier."

"That's because he is, Effie. That was Rose. Haymitch met her on her victory tour and he danced with her. Her eyes change color depending on her mood and she can change her form."

"Really?! What happened to her? She's looks dreadful!"

"The Capitol had her arrested for talking against them and because an Avox saw her eyes change. Someone, they got the message to the Peacekeepers and they took her to Snow's mansion, putting her in a cell seven floors down."

"How awful! Does she know what's happened? About the games and the rebellion?"

"We've decided to break it to her slowly and bit by bit. She's still in shock about finding Haymitch still alive, so there's no telling how she'll take the rest of the news. She has asked about Chaff though."

"Eleven's victor?"

"Yes. He was her mentor and one of the only people who knew about her abilities before the Games. She trusted him a lot."

"Well, I hope she can trust us here. Haymitch seemed so happy with her by his side, it was almost frightening."

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