Chapter 16 (Day 13: the Feast)

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Nothing much had happened over the past few days. There was only one death after Osie; on day 11, the girl from 9 died.


After that, the arena seemed almost peaceful. She knew there were other tributes out there who were trying to either find each other or run from each other. It was about nine in the morning and Rose was cooking her squirrel she had caught. Suddenly, a voice filled the arena. It was Claudius Templesmith.

"Attention!" his voice said. "Attention, tributes! There will be a feast today at noon at the Cornucopia. There, you will find things that you need; some of you more desperately than others. Some of you might be thinking to disregard this message, but it could mean your survival. That is all."

Rose climbed out of her shelter. It was nearing noon and she needed to get to the Cornucopia. It was risky, but there might be something there that she could use like food, warmer clothes for the cold night, new weapons since she lost her knives. Rose grabbed her sais and her bag and made her way through the woods.


Rose watched the sun. It was nearing noon. She stood in the shadows of the trees around the Cornucopia. It sparked in the sunlight. Rose scanned the trees and bushes, seeing if she could spot anyone. She caught movement here and there, but they were only animals. Suddenly, a table appeared at the Cornucopia's mouth. On it were supplies. There was blankets, clothes, food, medicine, weapons, and a backpack.

Rose looked around before she slowly made her way forward. She would have prefered going as an animal for more cover, but one, she couldn't risk the Gamemakers seeing her transform, and two, why would a wolf steal things from a table out in the open. Rose heard movement to her right and sprinted forward. She ripped off her backpack and stuffed in the blanket, a pair of socks and gloves, a loaf of bread, and a sword. When she swung the bag on her back, she could hear the other tributes coming. She ran back towards the woods. As she entered through the trees, someone slammed into her. Rose shook her head from the shock and looked up. The boy from 6 was getting off the ground. He stared at her for a moment and when she did nothing, he took off towards the Cornucopia.

Rose watched as he ran. He was weak. Seemed like he could barely hold himself up properly. Rose noticed Sorrel burst through the trees on the opposite side of the Cornucopia. He ran towards the table. The boy from 6 apparently saw him because he froze then ran back into the forest, but not towards where Rose was.

He probably thinks I would have killed him if he came back this way.

Rose stared as Sorrel grabbed a few things and looked around. He had a spear in his hand. He seemed a little frantic by the way he was looking around.

Wait. Where's Nilla? Is she still alive? If she is, why isn't she with Sorrel. Maybe they split up since we're in the final four tributes.

Rose told herself not to worry about and get herself away from the Cornucopia. Rose stood up and ran through the trees, trying to put as much distance between herself and the other tributes.

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