Chapter 22 (the Mentor's Room: Day 5 of the 52nd Hunger Games)

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Rose's tributes had somehow survived the Bloodbath, but there were only seven deaths. They each grabbed a backpack and made their way towards the snowy mountain. The arena was covered in snow. All the water sources were frozen, so you had to have gotten fresh water from the Cornucopia or sponsors. The tributes were dressed in warm clothing, but it sometimes wasn't enough. Two people had already died of frostbite. 11's tributes had been hiding in a cave throughout the nights and searched for food during the days. Luckily there were owls, foxes, rabbits and other small animals to eat, but there were also wolves. One of Haymitch's tributes died being torn to pieces. Rose watched as her two tributes, each carrying a knife and another weapon, followed the footprints of a snow rabbit. They had been following the tracks for a long time and were still searching for the owner. Other tributes were on the same mountain and searching for others to kill or for food sources. Rose held her breath as she watched.

Suddenly, the mountain began to shake. Rose sat forward on her seat. She guessed everyone else had done the same. Rose watched in horror as an avalanche started towards the top of the mountain. Some tributes saw it almost right away and started back down the mountain as quick as they could. Others weren't so lucky. They got sucked into the avalanche and were carried down the mountain with giant piles of snow on top of them. Rose's tributes were among them.

Five tributes escaped the avalanche, including the female tribute from 12, and soon after the disaster, cannons began to fire. Rose knew that her tributes were among them. She stood up and walked away from the screen. Haymitch got up and followed her.

"Rose?" he said. "Are you alright?"

"No, I'm not. Nothing in the arena caused that avalanche, Haymitch. It was the Gamemakers who caused it. There were children out there trying to find food and survive, but the Gamemakers just killed most of the off! Most of Panem is probably cheering their hearts out because of it! It isn't right!"

"Rose, calm down. It will be alright."

"For who, Haymitch? Those kids? Their families? Their friends? They've just lost someone close to them and they'll never get them back! The Capitol thinks it is alright to kill these children and no one ever does anything about it!" She glanced around the room and the other mentors. Some were staring at her while she spoke. "This can't go on, Haymitch. It's wrong."

"I know it is, Rose, but you need to calm down."

She studied his face. His eyes were wide and seemed a little frightened. Rose looked down for a moment, knowing what had happened. Her eyes had turned red, like they do when she got angry which was rare, and all the mentors had seen. One of the Avox servants hurried out of the room. Rose sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Rose." She looked up at Haymitch. "Just try and stay calm for the rest of the Games. It will be alright."

"Like I said, Haymitch: for who?" she replied quietly, closing her eyes.

"I don't know, Rose."

Suddenly, two Peacekeepers walked into the room and approached the two.

"Rosalinda Cobain of District Eleven," one said. "Follow us."

Rose sighed. She looked at the guards.

"Can I have a moment to say goodbye?" she asked.

The guards nodded and Rose looked straight at Haymitch. Her eyes turned dark green.

"Rose," Haymitch started.

"Don't. Please." She planted a small kiss on his cheek. "It'll be alright, right?"

Haymitch forced himself to smile. He could hear the fear in her voice though.

"Yeah. It'll be alright." He lowered his voice a little. "Just don't do anything crazy."

Rose turned around was escorted out of the room, the door sliding closed behind them. Haymitch closed his eyes when he heard someone grunt in pain and collapse to the ground.  

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