Chapter 17 (Day 14)

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There had been no deaths the day of the feast, which probably made the Gamemakers a little unhappy. Rose had fallen asleep under a shelter that she had made before it had gotten dark, using her new socks and blanket to keep warm. Rose shot up to a firing cannon.

Twenty-one. Three left.

Rose got up and rolled up her sleeping bag. She ate some of her bread she had grabbed before she tore down her shelter. She picked up her weapons and walked through the woods, keeping an eye open for another tribute.


Rose had been walking for a long time and decided to take a break. She had found part of the stream that she, Ash, and Loredana had found, which also connected to the stream that was in the valley. Rose washed her hands and face with a cloth and took a few sips of water. She sat by the stream for a few minutes, resting, trying to think of where the other two tributes could be.

Suddenly, something jumped out from the trees and tackled Rose to the ground. Rose struggled to look who was on top of her, and when she recognized the face, she wasn't really surprised. It was Nilla. Her face and arms had bits of dried blood on them. Her eyes were enraged and looked like they wanted revenge.

"Well, well," she growled. "If it isn't Eleven. I have to say, I was surprised Vanil let you escape, but we dealt with him. Now, to finish you off as well."

Rose noticed a dagger in her hand. Rose tried to keep herself as calm as she could. She wasn't about to risk her secret being blown. But if this was the end, would it be alright?

"Where's Sorrel?" she asked instead. "Was that his cannon earlier today?"

"How should I know? We separated after that flood. Found it best since we were nearing the end."

Rose shoved Nilla off of her. Nilla rolled over, but got back up. Rose could tell she wasn't going down easily. Rose pulled out her sais and stood ready. The two stared at each other for a few moments before Nilla launched herself at Rose. Rose moved out of the way and kicked her opponent in the back. Nilla fell to the ground and after a moment, got to her feet.

"You're fighting is useless, Eleven," she said. "You won't win."

"I can at least try, Nilla. And know that I will."

Nilla growled and swung her dagger at Rose's head. It missed but caught part of her arm. Rose quickly looked at the cut. Blood was staining her jacket. She looked back up at Nilla, who was smirking. She tried to get Rose again, but Rose lifted her sais to block the blow. The dagger landed between the prongs of her sais. Rose let out a small laugh, glad for her weapon. She held this position with Nilla before thrusting her arms up. This took Nilla by surprise and she stumbled back a little. Rose took the moment to kick her in the stomach.

Nilla fell back against against a tree, but launched herself back at Rose. Rose lost one of her sais when Nilla knocked it away. She dodged each swing Nilla tried to deliver. Nilla's dagger got stuck between the prongs of Rose's sai. She ripped it from her hands. The dagger fell to the ground. Rose took her sai and managed to stab Nilla in the leg. She cried out in pain and fell to the ground, gripped her leg. Rose stared at her. She couldn't believe she had just tried to hurt someone after she had spent most of her life trying to save people. Nilla gasped in pain. She looked up at Rose.

"What are you waiting for, Eleven?" she asked. "Do it. Finish me off."

"No," Rose replied, beginning to shake. "I can't. I've never tried to kill anyone and I don't want you to be the first, no matter how much you hate me."

"Why? This is your chance to be one of the top two tribute. You'll have a chance of winning!"

"But I couldn't stand with the thought that after everything I've ever done, I killed someone."

Nilla sighed. Her eyes seemed to relax and the hatred and fury left. Fear and pain replaced them.

"Please," she said. "Please, just do it. I can't stand to keep going. I know I won't win. Just finish it."

Rose swallowed hard. Nilla was asking her to kill her.

"Please," Nilla said.

Rose finally nodded. She walked over to where Nilla's dagger lay and picked it up. She walked back over to Nilla and looked at her again.

"Are you sure you want this, Nilla?" she asked.

"Yes..." Rose could tell she was searching for her name. Some of the Careers apparently never addressed her by her real name before.

"Rose," she whispered.

"Yes, Rose. Please."

Rose nodded and knelt down behind Nilla. She gripped her hand and gave her a reassuring squeeze. With her other hand, she took the dagger and drove it into her back, about where her heart was. She heard Nilla gasp in pain. She collapsed a little against Rose. Rose pulled the dagger from her body and laid her on the ground. Nilla released another breath and did not inhale again. A cannon fired. Rose closed her eyes and stood up. She threw the dagger into the steam.


Rose created yet another shelter, applied a new rag to new cut arm, and unrolled her sleeping bag, but waited to climb in. She wanted to see who else had died that day. The anthem played and the dead tributes began to appear. First was Nilla. The next person was the boy from 6.

Maybe he died of the cold night. Maybe he ate something poisonous. Maybe Sorrel found him and killed him in his sleep.

Now there's only two of us, she thought as she put on the extra pair of socks and got into the sleeping back. Two of us left and only one walks out of here alive. Tomorrow's the last day of the 51st Hunger Games.

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