Chapter 3 (the Tribute Parade)

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Rose stood by a chariot that was hooked onto four brown horses. Rose stroked their manes. Her stylist, Trillium, had designed a costume that made her look like a farmer. She wore a flannel button-up shirt under a pair of overalls, big clunky boots, and a bandana around her hair. Trillium had put makeup on her face to make it look like she had bits of dirt on her face. Rose had bits of grain sticking out of her pockets so it seemed she had just come from the fields. Rose smiled as one of the horses tried to eat the grain.

Jonathan walked up to her, accompanied by both their stylists. Jonathan wore a similar outfit as she did, but his bandana he wore around his neck. This was the first time Rose got a good look at him. He was a little taller than she was, he had dark hair that he kept short, and he had dark eyes. He smiled at her, forcing her to smile back.

Their stylists quickly touched up their makeup before they had to climb up on their chariot. One by one, the district tributes were pulled through the streets of the Capitol for everyone to see. District 11's chariot began to roll forward and Rose braced herself, holding onto the edge. As they went through the streets, Rose did her best to keep calm. She smiled and waved to the crowd, who were screaming and cheering their heads off with excitement and shouting their names.

As they neared President Snow's mansion, the chariots began to slow down and soon stopped. They waited as the President made a brief speech and the anthem was played across the Capitol, then they were taken away to the Training Center where they would be staying and train until the games finally started.

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