Chapter 25 (the Mission Under the Mansion)

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Everyone is the Star Squad had an earpiece in their ear to communicate with the other people in their group and the people above them. Katniss was their leader, with Cressida as second in command. Everyone carried a weapon of some sort with them, ready for any kind of attack.

The Star Squad walked down many flights of stairs, unwilling to test the elevators. They traveled down to the first underground level and took a look around. This floor appeared to be just storage for old supplies or gifts that were never used.

"Think about it," Johanna said. "They could have sold all of this and could have fed all the Districts for over a year. Instead, they just keep it down here to collect dust."

"We'll suggest it to Paylor when we get back," Katniss said. "Even now, it wouldn't hurt to give the Districts more food."

The second and third levels were also used for storage, so they kept going down. When they reached the fourth level, they found rooms full of weaponry and fighting supplies.

"Looks like Snow saw the rebellion coming and was getting ready for it," Gale said.

"Guess so," Cressida said. "Let's keep moving. We have two more levels to look at."


Floor five was a bit farther down than the others and when they got there, they saw why. The ceilings were taller and the rooms were much bigger. But everything was empty.

"What could they have used this all for?" Katniss asked.

Katniss felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned and saw Pollux. He looked a little worried and motioned back to Johanna and Peeta. They were shaking.

"Peeta?" Katniss said. She walked over to him. "Peeta, what's wrong?"

"I know this place," he muttered.


"I know this place," he repeated a little louder.

"He isn't the only one," Johanna said. "This is where President Snow had us tortured. Showed us things we can never unsee. There's too much pain down here."

"Then we won't stay long," Katniss said. "Let's keep going. Can you two make it?"

They nodded but Katniss kept close by them, having Cressida and Enobaria lead.


The sixth floor had just about the same result on Peeta and Johanna. They told them that that was where they were imprisoned. They pointed out their cells to Katniss.

"The walls weren't very soundproof," Johanna said. "We know each other's screams like the back of our hands."

"I remember you tell me," Katniss said. She looked at Gale. "Is there anything else down here?"

"I'll check it out," he said, heading down the hall, taking Pollux with him.

Katniss had Peeta and Johanna sit down to try and calm them down. After a few minutes, Gale's voice rang through their ears.

"There's another level down," he said.

"That's impossible," Paylor said. "We don't have record of the seventh floor on our plans."

"It is quite possible, President Paylor," Beetee's voice said. "President Snow probably just never bothered to have to put on a map incase something were to happen."

"We'll right there, Gale," Katniss said. "Wait for us before you go down."

"Roger that, Katniss."

"Be careful down there, Star Squad," Paylor said. "Who knows what Snow put down there."

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