Chapter 5 (Private Training Sessions and the Results)

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Rose sat in the lunchroom with Jonathan, Loredana, and the boy from 12. She was so nervous for what she was going to do for the Gamemakers. They were going to observe her and rate her skills on a scale from 1 to 12.

What am I going to show them? she asked herself over and over.

Jonathan got called in and Rose wished him luck before he disappeared behind the door. Rose looked at Loredana.

"Do you know what you're going to do yet?" she asked Rose.

"Not a clue. You?"

"Same here. There's nothing that I could do that would impress them, compared to the careers. I'll probably get a five or something like that."

"Don't count on it. I've seen you in training . You're great with a spear; you always hit the target."

Loredana blushed.

"I guess. But what about you? You're amazing in the ropes course and the trees."

"Like the Gamemakers would care if I could climb."

"But you can use it to your advantage. You never know."

Rose nodded. The two made small talk until Rose was called in.

"You'll do great!" Loredana called after her.

Rose smiled as the doors closed. She looked at the Gamemakers, who stood in a room above the training room. Rose approached them.

"Rosalinda Cobain," she said. "District Eleven."

Rose looked around the room. She picked up a three knives and two sais, putting some on her belt. She ran over to the rope course and jumped up, clutching onto the ropes so she wouldn't fall. She quickly climbed up, never missing a step. Once she reached the top, she looked down below her. She was high off the ground and the Gamemakers. A few of them were watching her closely, but most of them were laughing and socializing. Rose rolled her eyes and pulled out one of the knives. She quickly scanned the room for a target. There. The dummies. Rose aimed and threw the knife as hard as she could. The knife soared and landed in the dummy's leg. She pulled out another and threw it, making it land in the dummy's heart. Rose smiled and threw the remaining weapons at the dummies, each one landing in the heart or head, all the while remaining unmoving from the ropes. Rose quickly climbed down and when she reached the bottom, the Gamemakers spoke.

"You may go, Rosalinda," they said.

Rose nodded and walked out of the room, shaking and still nervous.


Rose sat in a large room with Iris, Chaff, Jonathan, Trillium, and Jonathan's stylist. The television was on and they were about to start announcing the training scores. Caesar Flickerman appeared on the screen. He welcomed everyone who was viewing and began to read the scores, starting with District 1. He made this way through the scores and soon got to District 11.

"Jonathan Kahmp, from District Eleven," Caesar said. "Eight."

Everyone began congratulating Jonathan. He smiled, but kept his eyes on the screen. Rose's never left to begin with.

"Rosalinda Cobain. Ten."

Iris shrieked with delight. Congratulations were spread throughout the room.  

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