Chapter 23 (Back in the Home of Peeta and Katniss Mellark)

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Peeta had joined Katniss and Haymitch in the living room after sending Rue and Finnick to bed. He sat on the loveseat with Katniss. The two listened intently as Haymitch finished the story. Haymitch told Katniss a little about Rose before Peeta had joined them, but once he was seated, they turned on the video of the 51st Hunger Games and watched it. Once it was over, Haymitch finished the story by telling about her victory tour and the next year when the mentors were gathered together to observe the games.

"After that," Haymitch said. "I never saw her again. She never came back into the room and the next year, she wasn't there. Chaff was there in her place, saying that she had not returned from the Games that year."

"Everything that she said that year to you in the Mentor's room," Peeta said, "it was true. The Capitol killed people without good reason."

"Yes, everything she said was true. Deep down I knew that, but I couldn't say that. She was either very brave to say that or incredibly stupid."

"I'd say the first," Katniss said, "given how she had acted through everything else."

Haymitch nodded.

"I suppose so."

"So what do you think happened to her?"

"Any number of things. Turned into an Avox, killed, held captive, who knows. It probably doesn't matter anymore anyway. It's been such a long time."

There was a pause between them. Peeta studied Haymitch's face; he was a bit depressed by the conversation.

"So," he said. "When did you first take interest in her? When you saw her at the Reaping? During the Games?"

"Neither," Haymitch replied. "It wasn't until the Victory Tour when she came to Twelve and I asked her to dance. You should have seen her. She was a born natural."

"Never thought I'd see you dancing, Haymitch," Katniss joked.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Before anyone got up, the door flew open and in walked Effie Trinket, their old escort, ally, and friend. Effie now worked in the Capitol for the President. She had a very normal skin tone compared to when she was their escort. Her hair was pulled back into a blonde braided bun. She wore an elegant looking light blue suit. In her hand was a bag and a small purse. She looked very happy to see them.

"Effie," Peeta said. "This is a surprise."

"Well, you know me," Effie replied. "Always doing something unexpected."

"Like joining the rebellion?" Katniss said with a smile.

"Yes. Like that, Katniss."

"Is there something we can do for you?" Peeta asked.

"Oh, yes. I've come with a message from the Capitol. From President Paylor to be exact."

"The President?" Haymitch asked. "What could she want?"

"She's requested your presence in the Capitol. There's a hovercraft waiting outside in the square to take you there. But before you go, I suggest you change into something that could get a little messy. Maybe your uniforms you wore during the rebellion."

"Effie," Katniss said gently. "We can't just leave. We'd be leaving Rue and Finnick without an explanation."

"Don't worry about a thing, Katniss, dear. President Paylor thought I could watch them while you were out."

"Are you sure you can handle those two?" Peeta said with a smile. "The have a lot of energy."

"I'll manage. I survived how long with you three?"

"Alright, Effie," Katniss said. "We'll go get ready."

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