Chapter 19 (the Beginning of the Victory Tour)

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Rose rode around District 12 in a car provided by the Capitol. As required by each district, the mayor had showed Rose, Chaff, Iris, and Trillium around District 12 after they were paraded through the streets. Rose would then be brought to the Justice Building where she would make a brief speech, then be hurried away to prepare for the dinner the district would provide.

Not long after the tour, Rose found herself positioned on the stage of the District 12 Justice Building. The Mayor was making a brief speech about the Games. Chaff sat in a chair a few yards behind her. On the opposite side of the stage were the important people of District 12. One seat was for the mayor, and the other had the district's only victor, Haymitch Abernathy, sitting in it.

Rose glanced down at her dress. It was black that reached down to her knees and had no real sleeves. There was a see-through material that connected to the dress and was supposed to be sleeves, but provided no warmth. On this material, though, were thousands of tiny silver stars. In her hair was a star clip. She wore tall black boots with star shaped buckles and black stockings.

The mayor introduced Rose and she stepped up to the microphone. She looked out at the crowd. Behind them were two stands; one for Loredana's family and one for the boy's family. She swallowed hard and began to recite the words that Iris had given her to memorize on the way there.


At the dinner, Rose sat between Chaff and the mayor of 12. On the other side of the mayor was Haymitch and across from them were Iris and Trillium. Rose looked around the Justice Building. The citizens were dancing around and there was music playing.

It must be so hard, Rose thought, to have to act so happy when your loved ones have died brutally by the hands of other children.

After dinner, the guests from 11 were invited to join in on the festivities. Rose smiled and decided to just watch for a while. She sat in her chair and smiled as the citizens of 12 danced around the room. One little girl with blonde hair who was approaching her caught Rose's eye. Rose did not move as the girl came up to her.

"Hello," Rose greeted.

The girl smiled.

"I wanted to thank you," she said.


"You risked your life for my friend. Loredana. We grew up together. I was terrified when she was chosen to play. She was the second friend I lost to the games. My other friend was chosen last year and teamed up with Haymitch. It's been hard for everyone here."

Rose nodded.

"Loredana was a great girl. Very brave and skillful."

"So where you. I also wanted you to know that when I grew up, I wanted to be like you." Rose stared at her for a moment, surprised. "I want to be a nurse and help people."

Rose smiled and relaxed.

"You'd make a great nurse," she said.

The girl smiled and hurried off. Rose watched as she disappeared through the crowd. Her eyes were still following her when Haymitch approached her. It took Rose a moment to realize he was standing there.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Rose said. "I didn't see you, Haymitch." She studied him. He was a little larger than she was, had blonde hair, and grey eyes that still showed his hatred for the Games.

"It's alright," he replied. He looked at the crowd of dancers, then back at Rose. "Would you like to dance? I could teach you."

Rose thought for a moment, then smiled.

"Why not. I haven't danced in a while and it'd be fun to learn something knew that doesn't involve trying to survive or kill someone."

Haymitch laughed and took her hand, leading her to the dance floor.  

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