Chapter 6 (the Interviews)

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Trillium stood in Rose's room with her. He had her close her eyes and helped her into a dress. After a few moments, he let her open her eyes. Rose slowly opened her eyes and gasped when she looked in the mirror. She was wearing a beautiful dress that looked like a fading sunset. It had a long skirt, thick straps with a sweetheart collar. There were diamonds sewn over her chest, giving it a sparkling effect.

"It's beautiful, Trillium," Rose said. She spun in it a little, admiring how it spread out when she twirled.

"I knew you would," the stylist replied. "After all, you did tell me you loved what the sky does."

It was true. Rose loved sunsets, sunrises, the sky in general, the stars, the clouds, the different colors it could create in only a few moments.

Trillium had Rose put on white shoes with a small heal and touched up her makeup and hair, though there wasn't much he could do since it was so short.

"One more thing," Trillium said. He placed a simple diamond necklace around her neck, with a small rose made of rubies in the middle. Rose smiled, holding it in her hand. "Now you're ready for that interview."


Rose walked onto the bright stage. Caesar Flickerman was motioning for her to join him on center stage. The audience was going crazy over the tributes, can't waiting to see who came next.

"Come on up, my dear," he said happily. Rose approached him, smiling. "My, don't you look stunning tonight, Rosalinda! Doesn't she, folks?"

The crowd cheered in agreement. Caesar had Rose sit down in a chair across from his own. His hair was teal, along with his lips and eyeshadow.

Capitol people dress so strange, Rose thought as she smiled.

"Now, Rosalinda, tell us," he said. "What was your reaction when your name got pulled from the Reaping?"

"Well, naturally I was stunned," Rose replied. "I was terrified at the same time."

"I'm sure you were. I know I would be. And how old are you?"

"Sixteen. The oldest in my family."

"You have any siblings?"

Rose nodded. "Four younger brothers."

"Four!? Wow! And did they all come and see you after the Reaping?"

"Yes. Them and my parents."

"Being the oldest of five, Rosalinda, do you have any special requirements?"

"None that I can think of. I am a nurse, though. I go and help people after I'm done in the fields."

"That's wonderful! Your skills might come in handy in the Games!"

"Probably, but I hope they don't, Caesar."

Caesar laughed for a moment, then looked at her.

"Now, you got a ten in training! That's as high as some of the bigger tributes!"

"I have to say, I was very shocked I got such a good score. The Gamemakers must think I'm good or something."

Caesar and the crowd laughed with delight.

"I'm sure they do, Rosalinda." Suddenly a buzzer went off. The three minute interview was up. Caesar stood up, encouraging Rose to do the same. "Let's hear it for Rosalinda Cobain from District Eleven!"


Rose went to her room and changed out of her dress into a silk set of pajamas - a top and bottom - the Capitol had given her. She climbed into bed and tried to sleep, but found it hard to find it. All she could think about was tommorow. When she would be thrown into the Hunger Games arena and forced to fight to the death with twenty-three other tributes.

I'm probably going to die on the first day, she thought.

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