Chapter 7.

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Now five of us were in the taxi to go to the hotel. I can imagine how comfy was the bed to lay down and sleep. I can imagine it. And I could not wait anymore to eat Malaysia meals. Its been two years Im not going here. Oh how much I love this country. I miss this place so damn much.

After we check-in the hotel, Andry gave to the boys their hotel card while me, Cassie and her stayed in the same room. I forgot to tell you that this hotel was just next to my old school, Smart Asia International School. We said goodnight to each other and went to our own room.

From here, I can see the view of my old school. Yes, it was so big. Basically,international school was big. But my old school actually is a boarding school. It different. This state was my hometown but me and my family barely went there because my father had some problems with his family here. To be honest, I hate my dad's family because all of them were so selfish. All they want was just money. I looked back and I saw Cassie already went to her dreamland on the bed while Andry still in front of the mirror brushing her hair. I went to her and asked " Andry, when will you want to get marry? "
She laughed " what? By me, getting marry is not so important. Yes it's important to raise the child but by me I want to focus on my career first because when I get married, and then my husband leave me. At least I still have money to use right? " She smiled.
" Yeah you're right. But the ring on your finger? "
" My late boyfriend gave it to me so that no one will flirt with me. Before he died, he cheated on me and I was so upset. He persuade me like in 3 months to win me back. On his last day, he asked me for a date and I accepted. On his way to the cafe, he had an accident and it happened in front of me. I couldn't stop crying because I was too late to say that I forgive him and I still love him. I hugged him tightly even though his body was covered with full of blood. I can't stop blaming on myself. I love him Sara. "
I just realized that she cried. Her face was wet. I hugged her and said " Its not your fault Andry. Everything happens with some reasons right? Maybe one day you will find a better guy than him. Sorry for asking. I just wanna know. "
" Its okay darling. I think I want to sleep now. Goodnight. Make sure you sleep well because tomorrow is our first day to prepare "
I nodded and said good night as I hugged her. She can be a good mother one day. Shes so kind.

" Hm Sara, will you join me for a dinner tonight? I mean like a date. " Jason said nervously while his hand was at the back of his head. I wide my eyes because he just asked me a date after a few weeks he tried to win my heart back.
" You know what? You're so cute when you blushing " He even more blushed and waiting for my answer.
" of course Jason I would love to "
He was shocked and smiled widely.
" Really? Okay later I tell you the place and time. I pick you up okay? " He said in one breath and walked away. I smiled alone and tonight I will tell him that I forgive him and still in love with him.

" Sara, I want to go to the shop for a while and then I pick you up. Just wait okay? I love you " He left me the voice mail. He said he loved me! Today I'm wearing his favourite outfit, a white roses sweatshirt and my black jeans. Whenever I wear my peach colour scarf, he will love it. I was so nervous now.

A few minutes later, he called me " I'm on my way now. Wait okay " " Okay Jason "
I put on my red converse and went outside. I wait till I saw many people were at the street. I went there and I saw a car accident. I put my hand on my mouth because it was the first time I saw an accident. Then my eyes met those blue eyes in the car. His head was covered with blood. No! It can't be! NO! He was unconscious! I went to him as the people took him out of the car. I knelt down and I cried. I cried too hard till I felt so weak. I was too late to say that I still loved him. I forgave him. Cassie saw it too and pulled me from him.
" No! I wont let him go " I screamed.
" shh he will be find "
The ambulance arrived and me and Cassie quickly went to the hospital. My hands were covered with his blood. I washed it and put my head between my knees. My eyes were red. I stood up till I saw the doctor. " Doctor, he will be okay right? "
" I'm sorry. We tried our best. " she patted my shoulder. NO! HE WON'T LEAVE ME. NO. With that I fell on the ground and everything went black.

I woke with my sweat face. Ya Allah Alhamdulillah it was just a bad dream. I put my hand on my head. My head was hurt. I grabbed my phone and called the unknown number which was Jason. " why are you calling me at this time. I'm sleeping " " hm nothing. Just want to make sure you're okay. " I was so relieve when I can hear his sleepy voice. I looked at the clock and its already 6:15 am. I went to the bathroom and make wudu' for Fajr prayer. I pray to Allah to protect us from everything.

Finally, I can eat nasi lemak. I missed this food. Andry, Mark, Jason and Cassie confused because they dont even know what food were that. Then I told them nasi lemak,  roti canai and others. Andry preferred roti canai more while the others ate nasi lemak.
" Thank God you're here Sara. If not, I don't know what am I eating now. Maybe just that croissant. " I laughed. " No problem. Besides both of the food that we eat were so famous in Malaysia. You can find it at any restaurant " They enjoyed the food so was I.

We walked together to the school and brought our stuff to prepare there. My school hired a guy and he's Malaysian to bring us anywhere, carrying out stuff. My plan was I didn't want to show my face on this day. Let my friends knew it tomorrow. Today was so bright with the sun. Me, Jason, Andry and Cassie wore our sunglasses. So it was so hard to my friends found out that was me. We went to the office first because Andry wanted to meet the principal. He didn't recognize me. At all. Four of us just waited outside. We took our phone to play game,texting, taking selfies and whatever.

I put off my sunglasses on the table. " Don't you guys think it's so hot here? "
" Relax. It just the weather tho. " Mark said. " I think not just me came to Malaysia before right? " I looked at Mark. He put his hands up for surrender. We both laughed. I stopped as I saw my friends walked past me and I turned around quickly. Jason noticed that " are you okay? " " nothing important " I sat beside Cassie so I can take many selfies easily. Then Jason took a selfie with me and we both laughed at our weird face. Yeah I hope we can laugh like this forever.

I suddenly saw him. And he looked at me back. Did he still remember me? Even I'm not here for two years? I think he recognized me.

* Jason's p.o.v *

I was so grateful because I can get along with Sara. A lil bit. Then I saw she looked at someone. He looked at her back. Who was him? I have to find out. I can't let anyone win her heart. I knew she still love me.Just wait.

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