Chapter 26: Trouble

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I open my eyes and find myself snuggled up with Renée. Oh no.. I grab my phone and see it's 4:20am. I unlock the screen and 18 messages came through and 40 missed calls. Shit.. I get up slowly trying not to wake Renée. I can't believe I drove all the way to her retreat to have sex.
"CJ?" I turn around and she's stretching and rubbing her eyes.
"Hey..umm I gotta go" I say buckling my pants. She scoots out of bed and stands in front of me.
"Are you sure?" I remember why I came and I sigh.
"I'm sorry about last night, I wasn't thinking straight" she nods and buttons up my shirt.
"I dunno about you but I don't regret any of that" she smiled and I smiled.
"Neither me" she kiss my lips gently and pull me back into bed.
"Wait.." I sit down.
"I can't do this, this isn't me" I get up and grab my keys and phone and head through the door.

I pull up at my house at 5:00 flat and sigh before getting out of the car. I open the door and check on Allie. She's fast asleep. I enter my bedroom and see Becky up watching Sponge Bob...
"CJ!" She ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me tightly. My hands remain at my side.
"I was so worried, where were you?" She stared into my eyes. The guilt built up deep inside.
"I umm I was at Renée's" she looked away. I sigh and walk past her and slump down on the bed.
"Did you do anything?" She asked and I sit up.

Becky's POV:
I turned around scared to hear his reply. He just nodded without looking in my direction.
"How serious was it" from the moment he looked at me I knew it was serious.
"Wow..." I run my hand through my hair.
"C'mon Becky, this makes us even"
"Even?! You think this is a fucking game?"
"You had an affair, I had an affair I don't see why you're mad"
"I didn't fuck my ex that's why I'm mad!" I sigh and place my hands on my hips.
"Whatever Becky.." He got up and took off his shirt. I could see the scratch marks on his back.
"What the fuck CJ! You must be kidding me right now!" Tears flowed down my cheek as anger built up. He just took off his pants and threw them into the dirty pile. I took up a stiletto and hurl it at his head. He ducked and it hit the closet. He approached me then grabbed my arms.
"Let me go! I hate you!" I screamed as tears kept flowing.

He kissed me deeply and I resisted. After struggling to break free of his hold I gave in and kissed back. He lifted me and carried me to the bed. I wrapped my legs around his hip and arms around his neck. He separated me from my clothes and slid right in. I gasp at his swift entrance and moaned at his fast pace. The pace escalated as he kissed my neck. I couldn't help but moaned his name until we-

Allie's POV:
I sat up and checked my phone, 6:00.

Me : hey can you pass for me today?
Jor : sure 7:45 sounds good?
Me: perfect thanks.
Jor : np

I exited my messages and sighed before heading to my bathroom to wash my face. I looked up and stared into the mirror as a tear escaped my eye. I quickly flicked it away and exhaled.

I opened my closet and picked out a white high waist shorts, my red tank and denim jacket with my red Vans. I laid out my clothes and turned on my music to take a shower. I took at least 40 minutes in the shower and dried off. I moisturized my ashy skin, put my hair into a neat bun and got dressed. I head downstairs at 7:30 and made a ham & cheese sandwich for breakfast with orange juice. By 7:43 I was heading upstairs to grab my bag and phone.
"Morning pumpkin" I saw my dad coming out of his bedroom smiling. I nodded and head downstairs.
"Allie are you ready?" I turn and see my mom rushing to get dressed, she's rather late..
"Yes..." I said with a twist of sarcasm.
"Okay I'm coming"
"I'm not riding with you" I rolled my eyes and head out the door quickly making sure to slam it. Jordyn was outside sitting moving papers from the passenger seat to the back. I hopped in and we moved off.
"Morning" she said smiling.
"Morning, thanks again"
"Any time Allie" she smiled and I shook my head.

We arrived at school and I spotted Taylor and Danny walking in together. I ran over to them after telling Jordyn bye and tapped Taylor on her shoulder. She rolled her eyes and continued walking. I pulled her into the janitor's closet and kissed her roughly.
"I don't care what your mother said, I love you and I'm not letting you go" I looked her straight in her eyes and she crossed her arms.
"Allie, I can't do this" she wiped her face as tears started to form.
"I'm really sorry, about everything and I swear I'm never talking to my mom again but please don't leave me" I say and she looks at me then sighs.
"I love you too Allie" she kissed me again and I smiled and hugged her.
"It's gonna be okay.."

After the first two lessons I headed to my locker to grab my stuff for third period.
"Hey Allie" I turn around and see Sarah.
"What?" I crossed my arms and shift my balance to one leg.
"I just came to say I'm sorry about Taylor's dad" how tf did she know?
"I mean who would have ever guessed that your mom would do such a thing!" I stood up straight and she smirked.
"Don't talk about my mother, you know nothing!" I brush past her.
"Wanna bet?!" She shouted and heads turned.
"I know more than you think! I know she's a whore!" I heard whispers and gasps.
"You would know what a whore looks like Sarah, cause your mom is great on the poles!" I fired back. Her face turned blank.
"Or should I say was because she's dead!" She ran pushed me to the floor then got in top of me and slapped me in my face. I pushed her off and stomped on her belly then dragged her by her hair and cleaned the floors. She screamed and scratched at my hand then pinched me. I let go and she kicked me on my foot. She scrambled to get up.
"At least my mom knew who my daddy was!" Everyone stared at me.
"Who's your daddy Allie?" She asked toying with me. I could feel my cheeks burning and my throat hurting, tears were coming.. She just laid all my shit bare. I walked up to her and connect my fist with her jaw. She fell and I sat on her and repeatedly hit her.

"Allie stop!" Taylor pulled me off and I saw blood coming from Sarah's nose. She rolled over and cried. I pulled away from Taylor and the principal grabbed me and lead me to the office.

After scolding me about how shameful my act was and how much anger issues I have she suspended me for a week. I snatched the slip and sat outside on the bench. My dad pulled up 20 minutes later and l hopped inside.

"Allie what happened?" He heard about it but he wanted to hear my side.
"She was talking shit about my mom so I defended myself" I said with my arms crossed.
"Allie she can say whatever, it doesn't make it true-"
"Oh yh? Then who's my real dad?" I ask and he sighed.
"I am Allie, I always will be just forget about these kids, I'm your father and I love you" I handed him the slip and buckled up.

I got home and read the 3 messages from Taylor.

Tay : Are you okay?
Tay : What happened?
Tay : I'll call you after school.

I closed back my messages and lied down.

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