Chapter 38: Tears (1)

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Allie's POV:

"Are you okay?" Danny asks as we sit eating ice cream.
"Yes of course"
"Nope, you're lying"
"Danny really, I'm fine"
"Allie, don't lie to me" he looks me in my eyes and I sigh.

"Okay fine, I'm not okay"
"Is it about Taylor?" I shake my head.
"Tell me"

"My parents are splitting up"
"Awww Al, it's gonna be okay"
"No it won't! My family's falling apart!"

A tear drops into my ice cream cup and I push it away.

"Allie, things like this happen all the time, it's not your fault so don't beat yourself up"
"I know, but I don't want my mom and dad to break up"
"Maybe you should talk to them, both"
"It's not my place"

After the mall he's taking me to sit in Central Square by the fountain. The evening died down quickly and soon we were laying by the fountain looking up at the stars.

"Movies are so fake, I'm looking up here and I ain't seeing no camel" Danny states.
"Isn't that a cloud thing?" I ask and giggle.
"Oh whatever" he laughs and I sigh.

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

I turned my face towards him and stared into his eyes. I slowly moved in and our lips touch. He hovers over me and deepens the kiss.
"Yes.." I say breaking us up.
"Omg yes Danny" I laugh out and he smiles. He gets up and walks over to the fountain then scoops up water and throws it at me.

"Oh no you didn't!" I gasp and he sticks out his tongue.
"Come back here!" I yell scooping out the water.
"Catch me"

He's such a tease. He's knows damn well that if I run the water will seep through my fingers.
"That's not fair!" I pout and stop running. He stops and turns around.
"Allie!" He whines and comes closer to me and lifts my head. I push him into the fountain and laugh uncontrollably. He manages to get up after a few falls and steps out drenched in water. Tears flow down my cheeks from laughing and I sit on the pavement.

He comes over to me and I scooch back to avoid his contact.
"You think this is funny huh?" He continues walking closer as I scrape my ass on the pavement as my way of escape.

"Danny no!" I scream as he swoops me up and dips me in the fountain.
"Aww babe, you're wet" he smirks and I laugh and hit him playfully.

The drive back home was loud and uncomfortable but mainly squishy.
"Turn that down Danny!" I shout over his extremely loud stereo.
"I said turn it down!"
"Huh?" I laugh and turn down the stereo.

"Allie! What did I say about touching my stereo?" He frowns.
"Sorry but it was really loud"
"Haa you should go to a club" he laughs and smirks.
"What would you know about clubbing?" I smirk and raise one brow.
"I know a few things about clubbing" he says turning down the stereo a tad bit more.

"Oh yeah? Like what?"
"It's hella loud" I laugh and cover my face.
"Wow, that's..Nice, have you even been to a club?" I laugh and ask him.
"Yes, once with Taylor"

I shake my head and he smiles and turns back up the stereo.

We get to my house and I kiss him and get out.
"Allie!" I turn and he sticks his hand out the window to give me my bag. Oh yeah, he bought me shoes.
"Thanks babe!" I kiss him again and ran up to the front door. He pulls off leaving me waving and smiling from ear to ear.

"Allie..." I turn and see my dad sitting with his phone in his hand. Slowly, I take off my shoes and sit in the couch across from him.
"Where's mom?" I ask before he can speak.
"I honestly don't know"

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