Chapter 30: Return

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Allie's POV:

It's finally Wednesday and I can return to school, don't get me wrong school's still a shit hole but I miss my peeps. The clock reads, 6:23am so I flip over the covers and go to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I jog downstairs to make myself French toast and juice, something light.
"Morning pumpkin" my dad's in his boxers and stretching
"Morning dad" I smile and eat.

After breakfast I head upstairs and grab my bag then meet my mom outside in the car to take me to school. She's in her shorts and vest that she sleeps in.
"Really mom? You could have at least wore a bra" I roll my eyes.
"Pssssh to take you to school? Oh please" she laughs and slips on her shades.
"Ugghh when can you take me to get my permit?"
"We'll go in the vacation, I promise"
"Whatever" I mumble and she pulls out of the driveway.

"So any news about Prom?" She randomly asks.
"Umm yahh I've gotta get a dress but not just any dress, this dress" I pull out the picture of the black dress the sales assistant showed me.
"Wow that's really cute, how much is it?"
"Nice I'll stop by-where is it?" I laugh
"Dianna's Boutique, it's opposite the food court"

By her facial expression, I can tell she's extremely lost as to where I mean.
"Okay how about you pick me up after practice and we go shopping?" I smile brightly.
"That sounds better to me" she pulls up at the school and I get out and wave at her before heading to the principal's office.

"Okay you may go, please don't let that happen again" the bitch finally dismisses me after 2 whole periods have gone, tf! I roll my eyes and leave for third period, Clothing & Textiles.

"Good morning Ms.Dawe how nice of you to err join us, take your seat" Mr.Flint twirls his hand around.

I sit beside Sarah, my usual seat and she glares at me and looks away.
"Can I borrow a pen?" I look to see Sarah awaiting a response. Is this bitch for real?
"Can you not speak to me?" I roll my eyes and she scuffs and faces front. She taps Jody and she gives her a pen.

After class I'm leaving and Sarah walks up to me.
"Look I'm sorry about what I said, I shouldn't have did you like that" I analysed her face and saw a hint of sympathy.

"Whatever Sarah" I push past her and left to find Taylor.

"Tay!" I see Taylor walking with Sean heading to the drink machine.
"Hey Allie" she smiles.
"Hi sup?"
"Nothing I didn't even know you were back at school, what happened? You didn't show up for class this morning"
"I was held up..." I say eyeing down Sean.
"Oh well we're on our way to the library to finish a group project for art, coming?"

I looked at Sean who's arm is locked tightly around Taylor's and shake my head.
"Naw I've gotta find Jordyn"
"Okay cool" she smiled and they left. Uggghh.. I cover my face with my palms.

"Stressed out already?" I peep through my fingers to see Danny smiling at me holding his bag straps with both hands.
"Haaa no not really, just annoyed.."
"Oh at Taylor?" I nod
"Ehhh don't worry, they're just friends" I smile and he smiles back.
"Wanna hang out at lunch and talk about Prom?" I smile and nod.
"Great" he bends down and kisses my cheek and leaves.

I watch him go with his black jeans, white T-shirt and Nike slippers and rocking that-
"Ahh shit Jor!" I slap her and she giggles.
"Whatcha looking at?" I smirk and she trails my eyes back to Danny.
"Ouuu I see you" she winks at me and I push her playfully. She puts her hand around my neck and guides me to the gym.

"Look at that hunk of sexiness!" She's staring at Troy and I'm casually looking around.
"Did I tell you that I saw Bianca trying to get with him on Monday?" I shake my head.
"Well the bitch did, he said it's nothing but she was all up in his grill like BBQ sauce!"
"Are you two..?"
"Together? No...not yet" she gives me that seducing look.
"Omg stop!" I laugh and push her and she giggles. She's really cool.

After break Jordyn and I changed for soccer practice and head out on the field. I spot Danny and he waves and I wave back. Jordyn nudges me and I roll my eyes.

We practice until the last 10 minutes of 5th period then took a break. I'm sipping my water when a soft ball lashes me across my face.
"What the fuck?" I jump up and look around. I see Jordyn snickering so I run and jump on her.
"Omg Allie sorry!" She hides her face and I push her head down into the field. I pour the water all over her face and laugh.
"Good" she gets up and jumps on my back.
"Let's play dodge ball" she says smiling. I smirk.

"Boys against girls!" I shout as the girls' soccer team assembles opposite the boys' soccer team.

2 minutes left and only Jordyn, Troy, Danny, Bianca and I were left. I threw my ball at Danny and he dodged it and hit Jordyn I giggled and Bianca threw at Troy. Troy threw his ball at the same time and they both got hit. Bianca ran and hopped onto Troy's back and Jordyn jumped up and stormed over to them. She yanked Bianca off his back like a jacket.
"What's your problem?" Bianca says getting up. Jordyn pushes her back down.
"You're my fucking problem that's whutt!" Bianca gets up and Jordyn pushes her back down.
"Quit it bitch!" Bianca jumps up and pushes Jordyn extremely hard but she falls into Troy's hands.
"He doesn't even want you!" Bianca yells.
"What makes you think he wants you!" Jordyn shoots back and Bianca dusts off her shorts.
"Look this is shitty, get a life!" Bianca flicks her off and walks away.

Jordyn stormed to the changing room and I dropped the ball and followed to make sure nothing goes down in there. Surprisingly nothing happened and they changed and went their ways.

"Wow that was, sumn" Danny walks over to me after I changed.
"Tell me about it" I roll my eyes and we walk to the cafeteria to grab lunch and head for a bench under the shade. I sit and he sits beside me with his tray holding a burger and a box juice. Nice...

"So what color are you wearing?" He asks and I smirk.
"Black" he smiles.
"Cool limo or-"
"Whoa whoa whoa what's with the fancy stuff?" I laugh and he blushes.
"I- I umm just wanted to impress you.." I look into his eyes and he smiles. I lean in and kiss him on his lips and sit back and watch him blush away. He grabs my face gently and kisses me deeply...

"You always impress me" I smile against his lips..

Becky's POV:
It's 4:30 already so I wear something neat, jeans and a tank, then head over to Allie's school to pick her up and carry her to the mall.
"Hey honey how was practice?"
"Intensive uggghh" she slumped down in the chair after throwing her bag in the backseat.
"Seatbelt" she smirked and we moved off.

We got there and boy was the mall packed!

An hour has gone and we're finally at the cashier purchasing the dress.
"CJ I'll be home shortly, please be patient"
"Becky I had to be at my office since 5:30"
"I'll get there when I get there or invite him over!" I hang up quickly before he started yelling. Since his car is down, it seems I have to be his chauffeur.

We head over to the shoe store and bought her purple wedges. She's buys accessories to go along with the shoes and lipstick then we head home.

"Your father is gonna flip!" I rush out the car, pressing the button on my car keys to lock the door and followed Allie inside. She said good evening and ran upstairs to show her stuff to Taylor, it's all she's been talking abou-
"Good evening babe" I hug and kiss CJ.
"Good evening.." I'm guessing he's still mad but his client is here, I can tell by the papers spread out on the table and the jacket hung up by the door. I head upstairs to change my clothes but I meet someone's chest on the 7th stair.

"Ow!" I rub my nose and look up.
"Oh sorry I didn't see yo-"

My heart skipped 6 beats...

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