Pocky (NovaHD)

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Well so...I know I said the 4 soulmate AUs would be first but...I lied. Whoops. Take this instead. :3


James was rooting through the newest bin of fan mail in the PO box, as it was Tuesday, and that meant it was his turn to sort the mail. But really all James ended up doing was digging through the mail until he found something of Jordan's that he could destroy, or something that was addressed to him. Luckily for Jordan, that particular day he found a yellow, padded envelope with his name written on the front in place of where "The Creatures" was supposed to be written. He grunted softly in surprise as his eyebrows raised slightly, and he straightened from the bent-over position he had held while looking through the mail.

He turned the envelope over carefully, feeling it with his hands and shaking it to try and find out what was inside without having to open it. He thought he felt something box-shaped, but he wasn't too sure, so he shrugged and opened the package, seeing the white piece of paper sticking out of the top. He grabbed it and quickly skimmed through the words, gleaning from his quick scan that a fan from Japan had sent in a box of Japanese cookie-type things because she thought that James had never tried them before. He smiled at the thoughtfulness of the fan, and put her letter in his pocket to remind himself to thank her on a video later.

He stuck his hand in the envelope, coming back with a red rectangular box that had the word "Pocky" written on the front in big, white letters. He gave a small "huh" before calling out his best friend's (and his boyfriend's) name.

"Aleksandr!" He started to walk down the hall until he reached the brunette's half-open office door. He saw that Aleks had his headphones on, and James shook his head while chuckling softly. He waltzed into the office, lightly placing a hand on Aleks's shoulder before leaning over and placing a feathery kiss on his pale cheek.

The Russian, not startled in the least as this was a pretty daily occurrence, just leaned into the touch of James's lips on his cheek and turned to smile at the man stood above him once he had straightened to a normal position.

"What's up, James?"

Said man held out the small box of cookies. "Some fan from Japan sent this in and I thought you might want to try it together."

Aleks's eyes widened the slightest bit, and a devilish smirk grew on his face because he realized that James knew nothing of the power of the small biscuit.

"Oh, that's that Pocky stuff. It's like a chocolate-covered cookie."

"That sounds pretty nice." James noticed the almost lewd look on his boyfriend's face. "Wait why are you smiling like that...?"

"Because you don't just eat Pocky. You eat it in a special way. And I get the privilege of showing you." Aleks gripped the handles of his chair as he pushed himself into standing, being just a couple inches shorter than James. He took the box from the Latino man, ignoring the confused look on his face, and opened it before taking one stick of the chocolate cookie out. He turned to set the box down and then faced back to James, who now had his arms crossed.

"Any day now, Aleksandr."

"Shut up, asshole. Do not interrupt the Pocky ritual."

James sighed rather loudly and rolled his eyes, waving one hand as if to say "Get on with it then". Aleks started to explain the rules of eating Pocky.

"So, you have to eat Pocky by playing a game. The game works by sharing a stick with someone you love, first of all." Aleks winked at James as his eyebrows raised questioningly.


"And...each person bites one end of the stick, and they keep biting until they reach the middle section that's left over, and the first person to let go of the stick loses."

Throughout his explanation, Aleks's smirk never disappeared - in fact, it only grew wider and more mischievous. James's face had gone a slight pink, a little hesitant about trying something like this with his boyfriend of only a few months.

"So," Aleks walked closer to James until their chests were almost touching. "Are you ready to try?"

James simply gulped before nodding slowly, a bit mesmerized by the slight lust that had begun to cloud Aleks's eyes.

Aleks held up the stick and they both bit one end. Aleks was the first to take a bite (a rather large one, as he just wanted to kiss James already), and James was not about to be upstaged, so he took an even bigger bite that made almost half of the stick disappear. Aleks smiled around the stick between his teeth as he locked eyes with James, feeling his heartbeat quicken and his cheeks turn a light red color. James's heart also began to race as they kept taking bites of the cookie, until all that was left was a small portion of the middle.

There was barely concealed lust reflected in both pairs of brown eyes, their lips only a few inches from each other's. The breath from their noses brushed against the other's upper lip, reminding them constantly of their close proximity.

But it was James who made the first move, knowing exactly how to make Aleks let go of the cookie piece.

He grabbed the Russian's slender waist and pulled them closer so that their hips were pressed tightly together. The sudden pressure caused Aleks to gasp lightly, but it was just enough for James to connect their lips together and steal the piece of cookie with his tongue. They continued to kiss until the cookie disintegrated and the taste of baked sugar and chocolate coated both of their mouths, tongues dancing sweetly together while their hands began to roam in places they shouldn't while at the office.

Aleks finally broke the kiss to pant desperately, in dire need of air after the intense kiss the couple just shared. "J-James...we can't continue this here.."

James grabbed the sides of Aleks's face with both hands and rested his forehead on the brunette's, while Aleks rested his hands on both sides of James's neck. "I...I know, baby. You wanna take an early day today...?" James pulled back and smirked knowingly.

Aleks returned the smirk, and grabbed the box that was on the desk next to him. "I've got the Pocky."


So that was super fun to write. Hope you enjoyed. :3

SHAMELESS SELF-PROMOTION: If you haven't yet, go check out my SlyPKC Fanfic, Pyromania. :3 I think it's pretty not terrible. So go ahead and do that if you want, or don't. Up to you.


-Abbi <3

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