A Lovely Mess Pt. 1 (NovaHD)

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I've used this song before, but IDC It's a great song okay.  Take a one shot for valentine's day because I love you all, and you're all my valentines.

Anyways, a little bit ago, TwilightHayley told me to do another version of her "We broke up and I really can't take you asking me for advice on your new boyfriend please leave me alone" prompt (Go check out her one shots, they're crazy sick).  And here it is, lovelies.  :] 


Aleks laughed bitterly to himself as his cat character fell into a pit of spikes on the flat screen TV in front of him.  

Oh look, maybe that's what I should do too...

His ex-boyfriend (emphasis on the "ex") of a month had been texting him for hours now, trying to guilt trip him into helping him figure out a way to hit on his new love interest.  And if Aleks was completely honest with himself, it was tearing him apart.  The only thing keeping him sane at this point was his best friend, James, sitting next to him on the floor in front of the couch.  They were both silently playing the game, James picking up on Aleks's upset mood and trying not to start shit.  

The only things heard were the game's sound effects, and the rapid clicking of Aleks's thumbs pushing the buttons on the controller a little too hard.  James glanced at the Russian, feeling his worry grow slightly as he saw the creases in his forehead and the scrunched-up eyes, showing just how pissed off Aleks really was.  

"Uh...Aleks?  You wanna take a break or..somethin'?"  James took off his beanie and ran a nervous hand through his hair before placing it back on his head.  

Aleks only sighed and nodded slightly before setting the controller down and dragging both hands down his face.  He leaned back against the couch as James got on his feet to get them both a bottle of water.  Aleks heard his phone chime and, after an internal war with his logical side and his masochistic side, picked it up to read the text that he knew was from Jordan.  All of the texts he had received in the past 3 hours were from that red-capped asshole.  

Aleks silently read the text to himself, feeling his heart break a little more with each word.  Jordan had asked if Aleks thought it was a good idea to take his new guy to a moonlight picnic on Mulberry Hill, and Aleks lost it at that point.  

That was their fucking hill.  Not the new guy's.  That was where they shared their first kiss and their first trip to third base, not the new guy's.

But it probably will be all those things for him too, pretty soon...

A single teardrop fell from Aleks's face that was bent over his phone, and soon, more were following.  He knew James would be returning any minute now, but he didn't care anymore.  It had been a month since he let himself cry over Jordan, and he guessed the tears were what contained all of his feelings for the man because he still wasn't even close to being over him.  Maybe if he just let all of the hurt and frustration flow out through his tears, he'd feel better later. 

He heard a small gasp, which he expected.  But what he did not expect was to feel two strong arms wrapped around his own that were hugging his torso.  

James slowly unwrapped Aleks's arms from himself and replaced them with his own arms, bringing the smaller man into his warm embrace as he continued to cry over a man who didn't deserve his tears.  Aleks's hands made fists as they clutched the soft fabric of James's black t-shirt, the Russian's chest heaving and shoulders shaking with the violence of his sobbing.  James didn't let go once, and he started to slowly rock both of them back and forth in an attempt to calm Aleks down.  He heard his sobs quiet into small sniffles and whimpers, eventually stopping his movements and opting instead to sift his fingers lightly through the ultra-fluffy chestnut hair on the top of Aleks's head.  And once the sniffles and whimpers stopped, too, James finally spoke while still running his fingers through Aleks's hair. 

"Look, Leks.  I know exactly why you're crying.  And that dick doesn't deserve your tears." 

Aleks just sighed and spit out, "Well, guess I can't help the fact that I'm a little bitch about all of this."  

James grabbed his shoulders and turned Aleks to face him, staring him straight in the face.  "You're not being a bitch about it at all.  He's the one being a bitch, trying to make you jealous with that shit.  That's all he's doing.  It means nothing.  He's a huge dick, Aleks, and none of what's happening is your fault.  Your reaction is to be expected when you come out of a 9 month relationship like you guys had."  

"But you were over Seamus in like, two fucking weeks!"  

"That's because we only dated for a month, Aleks!"  James hated the way he could see the tears brimming in the corners of the Russian's brown eyes.  He sighed before trying to speak again, only to be cut off by Aleks.  

"Your reac-"

"No, James, I'm being a bitch about this and it's not good.  I need to stop being so fucking weak and-" 

James had decided to take matters into his own hands, shutting Aleks up with actions instead of words.  He had leaned forward and captured the pale pink lips in front of him in a slow kiss, his hands sliding from Aleks's shoulders to clutch his wrists gently.  Aleks's eyes had fluttered closed after his initial shock faded, both men enjoying the kiss a little more than "just friends" should have.  They finally pulled apart when they needed to breathe, staying close enough to share the air between them and feel each other's exhales on their now wet lips.

And as Aleks stared at James, and James stared at Aleks, the younger of the two thought that maybe, just maybe, this one would be better.  


Tell me if you'd like this one to have a second part, I can't fucking decide.  :3 


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