Where did you hide it? (SlyPKC)

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HELLO DARLINGS.  (Especially you, M3CHANICAL_BRID3, I love you).  


Enjoy my dears. ;3


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"Seamus, are you busy?  There's this new movie on Netflix that I want to check out and..."  

Sly's words trailed off as he smiled at the sight before him: his beloved boyfriend, Seamus, curled up on the window seat in their shared bedroom, reading the new book he had just got in the mail that morning.  His soft smile reflected his thoughts about how cute the Blonde was, with the way his legs were folded to the side and curled underneath him and how he would have to push up the glasses that fell down on his nose every minute or so.  Sly realized he was standing in the doorway, watching his boyfriend read, so he stopped being a creeper and actually walked over to lean down and place a soft kiss to Seamus's cheek.  He whispered "Nerd" playfully as he pulled away, causing Seamus to wave him off without looking up from the book.  Sly giggled as he went back downstairs, figuring Seamus would be done with the book soon enough if he was that invested in it.  


"Sea?" Sly muttered, voice groggy with sleep.  He had just woken up due to the light still flooding the room; the clock on the bedside table read "3:37".  

"Baby, why are you still awake?"

It took Seamus a few seconds to realize that Sly was staring at him, and when he did, his head slowly swung to stare at Sly with deep blue eyes, tired and bloodshot from reading for so long.  "I'll get to bed in a few minutes, Sly.  After I finish this chapter.  Go back to sleep, you need it."  

The two shared soft smiles before Sly rolled over with his back to Seamus, who remained in the window seat long after he said he would.  When he finally went to bed as the clock changed to "6:13", all Seamus could think about was how tired he would be at work the next morning.


"You still not done with that book?  I thought you'd have finished it by now with how much you've been reading it."  Sly walked over to sit across from Seamus at the small table in their kitchen.  He had his book spread out in front of him, reading while he ate some cereal before he had to get dressed to go into the office. 

"Thiis ish tha thirld bork."  Seamus was trying to chew his cereal and talk at the same time, so he swallowed before repeating himself.  "This is the third book.  I have one left after this."  

Sly's eyebrows raised slowly as he listened to Seamus speak. 

The third book? Holy shit...  

"Well, I thought maybe later we could watch some TV or something?  When we get home from work?"  Sly flashed Seamus a small grin from across the table, which the Blonde returned as he nodded quickly and returned his nose back to being buried in the book.  

That night, let's just say that Sly was a little disappointed to find Seamus asleep in the window seat, the book laying open on his chest.  He didn't want to wake his boyfriend, knowing he hadn't gotten much sleep that week.  So he sighed quietly as he took the book, marked the page, and set it on the end of the seat before lightly shaking Seamus awake to help him into their bed.  

Sly's disappointment disappeared slightly as he felt Seamus's strong arms make their way around his waist and his head bury into his neck.  He smiled and let out a deep breath, letting himself relax into his boyfriend's hold.  

Saturday (Caturday, AM I RIGHT)

 Seamus slipped on his shoes and his jacket before grabbing his car keys off of the small table by the front door.  "Sly, I'm going to the store real quick!  I'll be back soon!"  His voice echoed down the hallway and Sly heard, calling back a "Be careful!" in response.  As soon as he heard the door shut, he was on his feet and walking down the hall to their bedroom.  He was tired of Seamus ignoring him in favor of the book, and he was finally going to do something about it.  

Geez, I can't believe I'm jealous over a book...

Sly picked up the book off of the bed where Seamus had abandoned it, and he very carefully stood on his tiptoes to reach the top shelf of the closet in their bedroom.  He pushed the book until he felt it hit the back wall of the shelf, smiling to himself in silent victory.  He then closed the closet door and made his way to the living room to set out a few snacks and decide on the movie that he and Seamus would watch when he got back from the store.  Sly figured with no book to distract him, Seamus would simply sit with him on the couch for once this week.  

Yet, he found differently when Seamus had come home and finished putting away the groceries.  The Irishman had immediately gone to the bedroom to retrieve his book, wanting to get back on the road to finishing the series.  Sly heard a bit of shuffling and the closet door opening and closing, his heartbeat getting faster and faster at the thought of Seamus discovering the missing book.  Soon enough, he heard feet padding down the hallway before he suddenly had a slightly annoyed-looking Seamus in his lap.  

"Okay, Sly.  Where'd you hide it?" 

Sly's face started to turn almost as red as the color of Seamus's shirt.  "Where's what? I don't know what you're talking about...".  He turned his head so that he wouldn't have to look Seamus in the eyes, it would give away his lie.  But Seamus countered his movement by putting his arms around Sly's neck, bringing their faces even closer than before.  

"Sly, gimme my book back. C'mon, I'm at a good part."  Seamus's lips turned down at the corners into a small pout, and Sly couldn't help but feel his heart melt and his resolve crumble at the cute sight.  

He gave up, sighing before wrapping his arms around Seamus's waist and saying, "If I give it back will you cuddle with me? All you've done for the past week is work and read that damn book. I want my Seamoose time." His statement finished with a small whine, making a light blush spread over Seamus's cheeks.  

He whispered "C'mere" as he clutched his arms tighter around Sly's neck, feeling the same sensation on his waist.  Their bodies drew closer together until their chests were flush against each other and his head was resting on Sly's shoulder.  His whispers continued. 

"I'm sorry, Sly.  I didn't realize...alright we'll cuddle for the rest of tonight.  I'm all yours.  But I want my book back tomorrow." 

Seamus pulled back to see a bright smile on the Latino's face, and he chuckles and shakes his head a little.  They simply smile at each other for a few seconds, Sly eventually moving his hands to cradle Seamus's face as their lips meet in a sweet kiss.  And as their fingers dance lightly over each other's face and neck and their lips continue to connect over and over again, making up for lost time, their smiles never disappear.  


I can actually like, legit picture this happening. 

-Abbi <3 

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