Home Sweet Home (NovaHD)

273 22 12

Shoutout to the couple I saw at the airport that inspired this one shot.


James couldn't stop his bouncing leg.  It was practically shaking the whole car at this point, but he could care less what the airport security guards thought he was doing.  He just wanted his boyfriend back already.  


Aleks couldn't stop his bouncing leg, either.  It was annoying the old woman sitting next to him on the plane - that was clear enough from the glare she would toss his way every few seconds as the bouncing got faster and faster.  He just wanted the plane to park so he could get off, get his bags, and see his boyfriend already.  

Soon enough, the plane had finished pulling into the designated gate area, and Aleks was just waiting for the "fasten seatbelts" light to go off.  As soon as it did, making a little dinging noise, he shot up from his seat and (quite rudely) clambered over the woman next to him.  He squeezed and shoved his way through the narrow aisle of the plane and he didn't stop moving until he was finally out of the little ramp connecting the plane to the inside of the airport.  He pulled out his phone, grinning like a maniac and probably frightening a few of the children around him, and texted James that he had landed and would be outside soon.  

He just couldn't wait to see his boyfriend after two weeks of being apart while he was visiting his mom in Russia. 


James saw the most beautiful sight that day, when Aleks came running at him down the short corridor separating the airport from the pick-up area.  The setting sun behind him made his hair light up from the back, setting it ablaze with imagined fire.  And to James, it felt like an eternity of watching Aleks run before he finally got close enough to launch himself into James's open arms.  He grabbed his waist roughly, spinning him around as the sound of Aleks's elated laughter mixed with his and filled the air.  He stopped spinning once he felt himself getting dizzy. 

They didn't separate though, Aleks choosing instead to bury his face in James's neck as the slightly taller man did the same with his face in Aleks's hair.  Aleks breathed in deeply, smelling 
James's cologne that smelt like safety to him, that smelt like home.  

"It's so good to be home.  I missed you so much."  

James's chuckles rumbled through his chest and spread into Aleks's, warming him and reminding him how much he had missed it.  "We just talked over Skype yesterday, asshole." 

Aleks pulled him closer and grumbled, "Shut up," as James's laugh boomed around him once more.  He could feel the Latino's strong hands rubbing circles into his hips as they stood there, simply holding each other and enjoying being reunited.  

James eventually broke their embrace, saying, "C'mon, you must be kinda tired.  What do you say to some Chinese takeout and cuddling later?"  James grinned at him as he hefted Aleks's large duffle bag onto his shoulder.  

"I say, that sounds perfect, James."  Aleks returned the grin and followed James around to the trunk of the car.

After James had finished situating the heavy bag in the trunk, he turned to say something to Aleks but found his mouth immediately occupied with something else.  He seemed to melt when he felt Aleks's smooth skin on his neck as his arms wrapped around it and played idly with the hair on the back of his head.  Aleks seemed to do the same, body pressing closer to James's with every second they continued to kiss.  He felt James smile and suck on his bottom lip gently before pulling away and intertwining their fingers.  Aleks couldn't stop the smile that spread across his face as he saw the love in the brown eyes gazing down at him.  

"Let's go home, Leks."  

"I already am home, Jamie.  Home is wherever you are." 


Hooray for sappy as shit ending.

(There may very well be more of these one shots tonight) 

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