Where'd that come from? (Koova)

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OK I actually really like this one, Koova is like my 3rd OTP ok.

Background lore: Every injury that happens to your soulmate happens to you as well.  So cuts, bruises, etc that your soulmate gets also shows up on your own skin.  


Instead of the alarm waking him up like it normally does, James woke up to a stinging pain on his cheek.  He hissed as he brought his hand up to cup the side of his face as he scrambled to get out of bed and go inspect the damage in the bathroom mirror.  He flicked the light switch, squinting at the sudden brightness, and finally looked into the mirror after his eyes adjusted.  A shallow cut, not bleeding and only slightly red, crossed the center of his cheek, and James growled under his breath.  

"How fucking clumsy can my soulmate be? How the fuck do you even cut yourself on the fucking cheek?!" His arms had flown up into the air, frustrated at the continued small injuries he had.  Still grumbling, he grabbed some disinfectant and a bandage from the medicine cabinet in front of him.  

Almost everyday, James would have some new type of cut, bruise, or bump, all courtesy of his clumsy fuck of a soulmate.  Or at least, that's what James assumed.  He had yet to meet the guy or girl, and he was already preparing the speech he would give them when they first met.  It went something along the lines of "how can you be so fucking klutzy to get a giant bruise on your forehead and a cut on your leg in the same day".  

After he finished patching himself up and checking for any other new scrapes or burns, he sighed as he stripped and stepped into the shower to get ready to go to work.  

Once he finally reached his office, one of his co-workers, Seamus, approached him and saw the band-aid on his cheek.  

"Wow, soulmate is at it early this morning, huh?" 

James grunted.  "You fuckin' bet they are.  Just wait until we finally meet, they'll be getting an earful from me before I hug the shit out of them."  

Seamus laughed, amused at James's frustration before leaving him to his work and heading off in the direction of his own office with a wave goodbye. 


The next day was Saturday, and so far, James was pretty proud of his soulmate for going this long without hurting themselves.  

He was sitting at his computer, scrolling through emails, when he felt a wetness on the middle finger of his left hand.  He glanced down, eyes widening at the amount of blood pouring from a huge gash on the side of his  finger, and he yelled, "I FUCKING SPOKE TOO SOON." 

He grabbed a white sock out of the top drawer of his dresser to try and stop the bleeding as he rushed downstairs and into his car to drive himself to the hospital that wasn't too far away.  The whole drive was filled with wincing in pain and muttering "fucking stupid ass soulmate" under his breath.  

He finally bust through the doors of the emergency room, seeing a tall man with a red baseball cap already standing in front of the reception desk.  James reached his side and tried to shove him out of the way, cradling his injured left hand to his chest and assuming that his bleeding hand was more important than whatever the other man had going on.  But a flash of red on the other man's hand caught his eye, and he saw a light brown dish towel wrapped around the same finger on the tall man's left hand, blood already soaking through it.  The man's bright blue eyes flickered down to James's sock-wrapped finger, and then flickered back up to meet James's brown eyes, and his lips spread into a sheepish smile.

"No fucking way."  He glared up at the man who was a few inches taller than him.   

James felt his knees go weak at the deep, glorious voice that came from the man's lips.  "I'm sorry about that, but hey, at least we found each other."

The glare eventually faded from James's gaze as their matching wounds were treated, but the smile that formed on his lips never did fade.  

*Timeskip to a couple weeks later*   

"James, c'mon.  You haven't lived until you've climbed at least one tree."  

"Fuck you, Jordan! Now I know why I always had so many goddamned bruises and scrapes and shit!"  

Jordan was currently in the lower branches of the pine tree he had found while hiking with James; he was simply enjoying the trip that took so much pleading and begging James to even happen.  

The red-capped male simply shrugged and grinned down at the bearded man on the ground below him, who sighed and folded his arms across his chest as Jordan climbed a little higher into the tree.  He suddenly produced a Bowie knife from the sheath attached to his belt and began to hack at a small branch above him.  

James gave Jordan a look that said "What the actual fuck" and Jordan laughed as he put the knife away.  He climbed down, getting a few scrapes on his hands and arms on the way, and finally dropped down next to James.  Jordan grabbed the Latino's hands and kissed the injuries that had just appeared there, matching his own.  They continued to walk down the hiking trail they were on currently.  

"Yknow," James started, "I used to think you were just super clumsy, but it turns out my soulmate is damn George of the Jungle." 

Jordan just chuckled softly as he kissed James's scruffy cheek, James feeling their beards brush against each other.  "You know you love me, Jamesy."  

James smirked over at the taller man, and said, "Yeah, I do love you, Jordan.  I'll just let the cats scratch me when we get home so that you can feel the same pain I did everyday." 

Jordan faked a gasp.  "You wouldn't.  Not my cats!" 

James's booming laugh (that Jordan had come to adore) rang out and they continued to hold hands as they finished their peaceful hike through the forest.  


Remember, requests are open, lovelies.  Thanks for all your votes n shiitake.  I loves yous alls. 

-Abbi <3 

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