A Lovely Mess Pt. 2 (NovaHD)

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HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, PEOPLES.  Take this is a gift, mostly because the person who was supposed to be my valentine today and do stuff with me bailed, so here I am, writing NovaHD instead. Enjoyyyy~



(Strawberries taste how lips do...)

The soft, fluffy blanket was smooth against Aleks's bare feet as he grabbed James's offered hand and felt himself being pulled to stand in the bed of James's truck.  

They had woken up early that morning, James making sure to bring coffee for a sleepy-eyed Aleks, and spent most of the day driving to this spot.  They arrived at this hill just around sunset, miles away from the other hill that Aleks had been so concerned with a year ago.  Now, the hill that he had once shared with Jordan meant nothing because of the memories made on this new hill with a better boyfriend than Aleks could ever dream of having.  

They had spent most of the early evening letting their hands wander and their lips collide over and over in the backseat of James's truck with the orangey-red light from the setting sun to keep them company.  Aleks would never forget the way James's fluffy hair was outlined in warm light as he hovered over him, so close to kissing yet wanting to draw out this moment forever.  He would never forget the way James slowly lowered his head to kiss Aleks's forehead, then his nose, and then his lips, putting more love into that one kiss than Aleks had ever felt from him.  Then James kissed across his jaw to his neck, making Aleks feel so alive and wanted in that moment than he had ever felt before. 

Neither had really wanted to go any further in the backseat of a truck, so they stayed just leaving gentle kisses over each other's necks, letting their fingers trace gentle patterns into backs and stomachs and hips and forearms.  Once they had tired of being close like that, James smiled at Aleks and pulled him up and out of the truck.  And then he had set up the truck bed for their current activities, this time with the clear night sky to keep them company.  

James was sat leaning against the back of the truck, Aleks in between his legs and leaning back against his chest.  Being the romantic little shit he is, James had taken the time that morning to make some chocolate-covered strawberries, and he started to eat one without offering one to Aleks, knowing it would piss him off.  Just as he expected, Aleks turned his head and stared at James as he bit into the fruit, almost making James laugh at how desperate he looked.  

"What?  You want one?" 

Aleks only nodded expectantly before closing his eyes and opening his mouth.  

James chuckled lowly.  "Get one yourself, they're all right there in the container." 

Aleks just closed his mouth and opened one eye to glare at James playfully.  "You're such an ass, y'know that?"  He reached over and grabbed a strawberry, biting into it and enjoying the way the flavor mingled with the chocolate and coated his tongue.  

James had finished eating his, so he wrapped his arms around Aleks's narrow waist and leaned forward so that his chin was resting on the Russian's shoulder.  "And yet you still love me." 

"Well, duh.  You may be an ass, but you're my ass."  Aleks tilted his head so that it rested against the top of James's.  He felt James's deep laugh spread from his chest and into Aleks's back that was leaned against it.  

James intertwined both of their hands together, almost engulfing Aleks's body with his own larger frame.  He sat up so that Aleks could fully lean back on his chest.  He took a moment to move his head forward and watch Aleks watching the stars, the crescent moon reflected in his pupils.  

"Your eyes are even more captivating in starlight." 

Aleks let out a small laugh and said, "Shut up, you cheesy motherfucker," as he turned his head to lock gazes with James, now unable to hide the pink dusting his cheeks and the tips of his ears.  Once Aleks saw the stars in James's eyes too, he wanted to take back what he just said about James being "cheesy"; he suddenly had the urge to tell James how beautiful his eyes were, too.  So he did.  

"I think I'm gonna take back what I just said.  Your eyes are pretty damn beautiful with the stars in them, too."  

James just smiled and they continued to watch the stars in each other's eyes.  Aleks felt James's thumb start to stroke the back of his hand lovingly, and chose that moment to speak again.  

"Y'know, I had hoped this one would be better from the very start."  He moved so that he was leaning against James again, facing the open back of the truck and watching the sky above them.  

He felt James's deep voice shake him once again as he spoke.  "Well?" 

"Well what?"  Aleks's eyebrows raised slightly in confusion.  

James turned Aleks's face with his hand so that they were looking at each other again.  "Is it better than the other one?" 

His face broke into a large grin.  "Definitely."  

James's smile mirrored his, and Aleks put one hand on James's cheek and lightly pulled him down until their lips met in a gentle, loving kiss.  The one thing Aleks remembered the most was the way James tasted like strawberries and chocolate.  


Thank you guys for all the reads on this (400 already like wtf) and on Pyromania (1000 OMFG). 


-Abbi <4

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