Super Problems (NovaHD)

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Blame the movie The Incredibles for this. Enjoy the fluff.  

James is Mr. Incredible, meaning he has super strength powers. 

Aleks is Elasta-boy, meaning his body stretches super far and stuff.  


"FUCK!"  The shout echoed through the nearly empty hallways of the office.  Jordan poked his head out of his office to see Daniel and Spencer doing the same, wondering what it was that had James so angry again.  They soon got their answer when he stormed out of his office, heading towards the kitchen.  Jordan frowned slightly out of worry and followed James.  

"Hey, you alright?"  He placed a comforting hand on James's shoulder, only to have it shrugged away.  

"Yeah, I'm fine.  I just broke another controller.  That's what I get for buying the cheap shit; it practically crumbled in my hands from just one light squeeze."  

Jordan knew James was trying to rationalize his actions and calm himself down, so he simply nodded in agreement before turning to head back to his own office.  He stopped in the doorway, turned, and flashed James a small smile in hopes that it would be returned.  All he got in response was a dismissive grunt from the curly-haired man.  So Jordan quietly sighed and headed out.  

Once Jordan was gone, James sighed to himself before throwing the mangled controller in the trashcan and heading over to the sink.  He splashed some cold water on his face in an effort to literally make himself cool off, but it didn't work very well.  He was still as angry at himself as ever for not knowing his own strength.  He felt some of the water in his beard drip down onto his shirt, the cold shocking him from his thoughts and making him grumble.  Just another source of annoyance.  

He grabbed a paper towel and wiped at his shirt, trying to get as much water out of it as he could before throwing that away too and stalking back towards his office.  He had left the door open, thankfully, so he walked in and grabbed the handle so that he could close the door.  The door wouldn't close, though, so James pulled his hand away, confused.  His hand had pushed down on the handle so hard that as soon as he let go, the handles on both sides of the door clattered to the floor.  James yelled again and gripped at his beanie, pulling it off and throwing it across the room.  He really wished Aleks had come into the office that day.  


After the frustrating day at the office of breaking more things than normal, and a few particularly infuriating drivers on the road, James was just ready to get home and spend time with his loving husband.  James thought about what they could to together to relax as he pulled into the driveway of their home.  He stepped out of the car, and slammed the door so hard that the window shattered into a thousand pieces, littering glass on the inside of the car and on the driveway.  

James snapped.  He started yelling at the top of his lungs and his breathing quickened.  He was sick and tired of breaking everything he touched.  His anger fueled his actions, and James let himself lose control and hoist the car onto his shoulders, fully planning to throw it at some random object out of rage.  

Suddenly, the front door opened.  Aleks wondered what all the noise was, and he got his answer when he saw his husband with his car on his shoulders.  

"James!"  Aleks didn't even take a step; he used his stretchy arms to wrap around James and pull himself to him.  His arms wrapped all around James's waist, torso, and neck, squeezing slightly as Aleks rested his head on James's back in an effort to get him calmed down.  He felt James relax after a few moments, and he breathed out deeply while he set the car down.  

Aleks disentangled his arms from around James, choosing instead to wrap them (normally) around his neck when James turned to face him.  He settled his face in the crook of the older man's neck, feeling the butterflies when James's fingers went under his shirt to brush the bare skin of his hips, just above the waistband of his pants.  James leaned his head down to rest on Aleks's shoulder, and the Russian felt the puff of air that came from James's nose as he breathed out.  

He played with the little curls of dark hair at the back of James's neck.  "Bad day?" 

James sighed once more before answering, now much more relaxed.  "Yeah.  I'm sorry about the car, I'll take it to get fixed tomorrow."  

Aleks pulled back and smiled at the love of his life.  "Don't worry about that for now, let's go watch a movie and order some Chinese takeout."  

James let the softest of smiles grace his lips, and Aleks felt his heart wrench at the sight of the adorable goof that was his husband.  His strong, solid, super strength husband.  

Even though James sometimes didn't realize his strength with other things, he always made sure he held Aleks gently enough not to hurt him. 


Hope you liked. :3  Remember, requests are open.  Don't be shy, lovelies.  

-Abbi <3

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