Stars in His Eyes (NovaHD)

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YOYOYOYOYO. Hello loves.

I finally got another request!!!!! This one is from SomeRandomHoe and their prompt for me was something along the lines of "James drops his books on his way home from school one day, Aleks helps him pick them up and they make eye contact, and Aleks sees the universe in James's eyes, so he goes home and contemplates this only to tell James about his eyes the next day."

Hope this is everything you want, and more dear. ;)

Warnings: none that I can think of, maybe a slight existential crisis

Summary: Aleks and James have always been neighbors, but Aleks has never really been able to see the stars living right next to him. (prompt is up there ^)


Aleks couldn't help but take a long, deep breath as he exited the front doors of his high school for the last time that week. He had always enjoyed the feeling of leaving and knowing that he wouldn't have to be back to that hellhole for two whole days.

He practically skipped down the front steps, the spring in his step not usually so powerful, but what could he say? It was Friday, he had a minimal amount of homework, and his Mom was apparently making something really good for dinner that night. He was happy.

So happy, in fact, that he almost missed the scene in front of him.

A boy about his height, walking about 5 feet in front of him, tripped over seemingly nothing (it was really his shoelaces, but Aleks wasn't paying enough attention to see this), which scattered the overabundance of textbooks and notebooks he had been clutching close to his chest. Aleks thought he saw a pair of glasses fly somewhere too. He had stopped walking as he witnessed this disaster unfold, but he was snapped out of his reverie when he heard the boy hiss in slight pain.

Aleks rushed over to the boy, who was now sat on the ground with one knee to his chest that was bloody and scraped. Seemed his basketball shorts had failed to protect his skin from injury.

"Shit, dude, are you okay?" Aleks put one hand on the boy's back as he leaned down to inspect his knee. He heard the boy intake a sharp breath at the contact, so he quickly removed his hand and stepped back a bit.

"S'fine. It doesn't really hu...Oh fuck, my books!"

The boy started to clamber to his feet, but Aleks put a hand on his shoulder to stop him. When the boy looked up and their eyes met, Aleks could have sworn the world actually stopped for a few minutes.

He could see the entire milky way galaxy swirling in this boy's eyes. And he couldn't believe it.

Even with his eyes being a darker shade of brown, there were lighter shades mixing and twisting in with the darkest shades of brown Aleks had ever seen; the sun bounced off of the ring of dusty gold around the boy's pupils, and made his eyes seem so warm and bright. Aleks looked at the stars in the other boy's eyes for so long, that he was starting to get stars in his own.

There were suddenly fingers snapping in front of his face.

"Uh, dude? Can you let me get up and get my stuff?"

Aleks cleared his throat and felt a burning on the tips of his ears from embarrassment. "No, just stay here. Your knee looks painful, so I'll get your stuff."

He managed to turn his back on the universe just chilling in that boy's face, and set about picking up the numerous books. He even found the boy's glasses, cursing the fact that there would be a barrier in front of those beautiful pools of stars.

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