-1- Blinded by the flashing lights

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Nicki's POV

I am getting ready for my performance at Powerhouse in Philly and I'm pretty excited.Meek asked me if I could come and perform some of the songs we collaborated on:I Be On Dat and Dope Dealer and also some of my songs.I said yes because it's always fun to be on stage with Meek and not only on stage but in general too.We always have a good time when we are together and also, Philly has always shown me love and they supported me from day one so of course I said yes.

Safaree came with me but I don't know what's up with him.It's like....since I'm famous he only loves one thing and that's definitely not me.He loves fame and what comes with it:money,power and the spotlight.I can't even remember when was the last time he told me he loves me. We've been together for 12 years.At the beginning he was all I ever wanted.A caring,loving and funny boyfriend,the one I fell in love with.But now...he started to worship material things and he doesn't care about genuine love anymore.

Oscar does my hair and Sherika helps me with the make-up.I wear something from my collection and I've got a couple of bracelets and one gold necklace on me to match my outfit.When I am finally ready, I go to see where Safaree is.

He is in the backstage talking on the phone as he has been doing lately.
I make my way towards him and he stops from talking on the phone and then he tells the person he's talking with he'll call later."Hey,baby",he says.I reply the same way and tell him I will go outside and see my fans before the show starts."Are the photographs and reporters going to be there too ?",he asks.
-Yeah,they'll be there....unfortunately.

I just want to talk to my barbz and see what they're doing. I don't feel like dealing with the press today.Sometimes all of this is just so overwhelming ... I wish I could just go out and have a good time with the barbz instead of giving interviews and taking pictures.

He interrupts my thoughts by saying :"Then I'm coming too,I mean who doesn't want to see me and how icy I am ? I mean,look at this necklace..I paid a lot for it but I look good as fuck." and then he smirks.

"I paid for it,actually" I mumble but he didn't catch it ..or he just doesn't care.

Safaree: By the way...Nicki ,I just ordered some necklaces.You know..my birthday comes and I kind of deserve a gift,don't you think ?

I just nod and make my way outside not wanting to argue with him anymore.

I spend a little time with the barbz just talking,laughing,having a good time and being carefree.Of course,somebody had to interrupt us. Safaree comes and tells me:"Come on,we need to take photos,the press is here ".I sigh and say goodbye to the barbz and then we go on the red carpet to take pictures.I smile and I look happy outside but inside I feel really sad.I watch Safaree.He just smiles at the cameras and raises his necklace in his hands so that everybody sees how icy he is.Damn..this nigga is so corny...I really wish he didn't change.

"Sir,move ! You are blocking our view,we want to take photos of Nicki" one of the photographs says.
Safaree looks angry,he frowns then glares at me and leaves.A smile makes it's way to my lips and I almost start to laugh...I mean it's pretty funny.I can't recover from the face he made when that man told him to move.Well maybe he'll realize he's not as important as he thinks he is.

I finish dealing with the press and all of that and then I go backstage.Meek is already on the stage performing his part from I Be On Dat and after saying a quick prayer I wait for my cue.After he finishes his part I go on stage.The crowd goes crazy.Meek just looks at me and smiles.I don't know why but my heart flutters..I mean I'm not usually nervous when I perform...I don't know why I feel like this.
I start rapping my verse and the crowd raps with me too.This is the best feeling in the world.Doing a song,writing your own verses,recording it and seeing that your fans love it so much that they learn the lyrics word by word.

I don't know what it is about Meek that always makes me smile and be happy.After I Be On Dat and Dope Dealer I perform some other songs.I chose for this performance to rap "I Wanna Be With You".It's just a verse I did on Dj Khaled's song and it kind of tells a lot of truth.I don't want to be with a corny nigga like Safaree I need to get me a hood real nigga.
"I wanna be where the commas will be
But I need a hood nigga with the llama degree"
The crowd raps and I gotta admit during this song I couldn't help thinking about Meek.I guess he thinks of me too cus' since I walked out he didn't take his eyes off me.

Meek's POV

I just sat there on the stage and watched her do her thing.She is definitely dedicated to what she does.She puts a lot of work in her career and her performances and she already changed the rap game,I gotta admire that.

She is just so beautiful,and her body...damn.She got curves in all the right places.She notices me looking at her and she smiles,showing those cute dimples she has.Wait..let me stop I sound kind of starstruck.Well I might be she really worths fighting for and I will fight for her.She'll be more than my dream girl I gotta make her my girl.A dream that becomes reality....

We finish performing and we go backstage.

"You look beautiful",I say
She starts blushing and thanks me for the compliment.
"Me and the chasers are about to hit the club tonight.You coming ?"

She receives a message on her phone and I can tell it's from that nigga Safaree cus' she becomes sad and every time she's sad it has something to do with that nigga.I don't know why she doesn't break up with him but I'll be the one to make her see she doesn't need him.She needs a real nigga and I am that nigga.

Nicki's POV

We went backstage and I got nervous.Meek told me I'm beautiful and I started to blush..I don't know what's up with me and why does he have this effect on me.
He asked me if I'm coming to the club...and just as I was about to deny the invitation,(not that I didn't want to go is just that Safaree can get really jealous and I don't wanna argue with him)Safaree texted me:I'm sick of this!! you better come home so we could settle some things down.

I started to frown and I know Meek noticed.
"You ok ?",he asked.
"Yeah,actually..I'll come to the club."
Meek:"You need a ride ?"
"If you don't mind.."
Meek:"Not at all "
We both smiled at each other and went outside.He opened the door for me and then he got in the car.

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