-13-Save Me

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Previous Chapter:
"Fuck you !!,I said and he gave me another slap on the other cheek but at this point I didn't care anymore.All I could think was: Rihmeek,baby,where are u now ?"

Nicki's POV:

Safaree left and two men came and brought us some food and water.One of the men untied only my hands so I could eat.What ? He decided to be kind...I can't believe him.I looked around and saw Papi curled up in a ball with his head down crying.

I've been so caught up with Safaree that I didn't even observe we were scarying him.

Papi,baby come here,I said.

He came to me and hugged me.He held me so tight as if he was scared of losing me.He was crying and tears were threatening to fall from my eyes too.

Shhh...don't cry,your father is going to save us,ok ?He will get us out of here.

I don't know who I was trying to convince.Him or me ? Of course,Meek is going to search for us and do anything in his power to find us but...he doesn't know what Safaree is capable of.I don't even know anymore.That's what's scarying me.How far can he go with this ?
I always hated situations I couldn't control and this was one of them.

Papi:He...hurt you,why did he hurt you,Miss Nicki ?

He is bad,Papi,really bad.

He turned to face me and saw the tears rolling down on my face.With his two little thumbs from each hand he wiped them and then kissed both of my cheeks where Safaree slapped me.

Now it will hurt less,he said.

He was so cute,adorable and sweet.I was feeling so bad for involving him in this mess I call my life.He was suffering now because of me...

Thank you,baby.It doesn't hurt anymore,I said kissing his cheeks too.

Papi:I'm hungry.

They brought us food but I don't know how does it taste.

I handed him one of the plates and he tasted the food.

Papi:I don't like it,it tastes bad.

You don't have to eat it if you don't want to but if you're hungry...we don't have anything else.

I am...

He started eating but I didn't even want to look at my plate.I was hungry but I didn't want to eat.I knew if i didn't eat I was going to get weak but I didn't care.

Papi finished eating and I took him in my arms because he said he was cold.

We heard steps again and then we saw Safaree.

Safaree:How nice...You,kid better not get to attached cus' you won't see her ever again after I get my money.

What,Onika you thought I'll let you go so easy ? No,baby.I want you and the money.If you don't want to be with me you aren't going to be with him either.

I gotta admit I was scared of what he might be capable of but I had to convince him to let Papi go.

Whatever,Safaree just let Papi go.

Safaree: I will. After I won't be needing him anymore.

He was using Papi to convince Meek to give him money.How could he be so cruel ?

Safaree:Taking 'bout kids...I'm so glad you aborted that kid you had with Aaron.First,you weren't going to be a good mom,you would've been the worst mom ever and second of all I would've had to stand you and that baby.

In that moment I just broke down.Tears were running fast on my face just like a river,a river after storm.Because that's what was in my mind and heart now,a storm.He created it and he knows how much this subject affects me.

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