-14-Back Together

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"After a couple of minutes of driving there was complete silence in the car.I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Papi sleeping.His head was rested on Nicki's shoulder and he was holding her hand.Nicki had her arms wrapped around Papi and was sleeping too.I was loving the view,I was loving them."

We still had 10 minutes till we arrived home.I was thinking hard about the future when my phone started ringing.

Tak:Ay,Meek !

Meek:Wassup' man ? Did you take care of the problem ?

Tak:Yeah,man,I called the police as you told me.They came and took all three of them to the police station.We gave our statements,everything's good but you still need to go with Nicki so they can take your statements too.

Meek:A'ight man,thanks !

After cancelling the phone call I saw Nicki waking up.

Baby,Tak called.He said we have to go to the police station to give statements but we can go tomorow if you want,you need to rest.

Nicki:No,baby.Let's go now.I don't want to deal with this tomorow too.I want to end this today.I just want to relax tomorow.

Ok.We can go now.Let me call Na so we cand drop off Papi at her house and then go to the police station.

I dialled her number and she picked up on the third ring.

Na:Meek ! I thought you forgot about us.You didn't call to see how you're sis is in years.(*started laughing)

I didn't forget,Na,(I started chuckling)
I just been busy,you'll find out soon why.

Na:Allright,but you better tell me soon.You know how curios I am.

Meek:I'll tell you.I want to ask for a favor sis...

Na:I knew you didn't call just to see how I am (*laughs)

Meek:I wanted that too but...I kind of need a favor right now.Can Papi stay at you till I get back from the police station ?

Na:Police station !?
Meek what'd you do now ?

I promise I'll tell you when we'll get at your house,ok ?


We ended the phone call and I made my way to Na's house.

We got there and I parked the car in front of the house.I called her to let her know we arrived and she came outside.Nicki told me she'll be waiting in the car so me and Papi got outside after Nicki kissed Papi's cheek.

Na was walking towards us with a smile on her face because she finally sees me and Papi after a long time.We were walking to the house and she was walking to us so we all stopped halfway.

Na:Hey!Long time no see.Look at y'all handsome selfs.

She lowered to Papi's level to hug him and kiss his cheek then she hugged me.


Hey sis !

Papi,you are going to stay with your aunt for a couple of hours,ok ?Promise me you'll behave.

Papi:I promise,dad.Is Denim here too ?,he asked Na.

Na:Yeah,she's in the living room playing on the Xbox.

Papi:Yey ! Can I play too ?

Na:Of course you can !

He started running to the house and then suddenly stopped.He ran to me and said with a worried face: Dad...but Miss Nicki...is she going back home with us after you come back to get me ? I already miss her...

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