-4-The Crying Game part 2

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Meek's POV

I was on my way home when my phone buzzed.An unknown number flashed on my screen.There was a message and a picture attached to it.

The message read:

"Look at her.She's pathetic.It's all your fault.Keep messing with her and she'll keep looking like this"

I had no ideea what was this all about.I wanted to ignore it thinking that it was a prank but I decided against it because I was curious about the photo.The photo was downloading too slow but just when I was about to close the app,the image loaded.I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Nicki was on the ground,blood all over her and near her and she was unconscious.In that very moment something broke inside of me,I started feeling her pain.It was too painful for me to watch the image,to see her suffer.

I didn't need any more time for thinking I quickly made a U turn and started driving at maximum speed towards her house.I couldn't think straight.The message and the picture were replaying in my head.I wasn't even seeing my surroundings anymore.

All I wanted to do was to save her.I wanted to hold her and tell her everything it's going to be ok.But..was it going to be ok ?Will I make it there in time ?I have to.I couldn't bare the thought of losing her even though I don't even have her. Just knowing that she is ok and happy is enough for me.I swear that nigga will die if something bad happens to her.I don't even care about jail.

Once I arrived in front of her house,I got out of my car as quickly as possible and made my way to the front door.I grabbed the door handle and opened the door,which was unlocked.Everything in house was shattered.Without thinking anymore I made my way upstairs and went to the last bedroom on the floor where cryings could be heard from.I wanted to open the door but it was locked.I started to punch the door with my fists.

Nicki !

Nicki !

Are you here ?

I shouted.

I used all my strength and teared down the door and saw her laying on the ground covered in blood.

"Meek" was the last thing she said and then her eyes completely shut down.

Nooo!..You gotta stay awake!
Nicki ! Open your eyes !
Please ! Say something!

Seeing that she wasn't responding I checked her pulse.Her heart was still beating.She was alive.I grabbed my phone and dialled 911 not wanting to move her so I wouldn't cause her any more internal bleeding which I'm sure she already had.

The paramedics arrived and put her on a strecher.She looked so helpless so broken,so harmed but still so beautiful.They opened the ambulance doors and got her in.

I went to the ambulance wanting to get in too.

"Sir.. you can't come with us.Are you related to the victim ?",one of the paramedics said.

No..I..She needs me !
I need to know she'll be safe !

"Sir,I'm sorry, if you aren't related to the victim you can't come with us.We'll transport her to a private hospital and you can meet us there "

I got in my car and started following the ambulance on the road.We arrived at the hospital and they immediately got her in to the emergency room.

I ran in the hospital and stood in the waiting room but nobody was willing to tell me anything.I took a sit on a chair after pacing as a crazy person in the waiting room not knowing what to do.I put my head in my hands and just sat there trying not to think

I heard steps and saw a person dressed in white.The nurse came to me and asked:"Are you here for Onika Tanya Maraj ?"

Yes!Is she ok?
Please tell me nothing bad happened to her ...Promise me she'll be ok !

"I'm afraid I can't do that,sir but I can assure you the doctors are doing their best to stop the internal bleeding.She lost a large amount of blood.She might need a blood transfusion...Are you related to the pacient ?"

No but I'm an universal donor.I could help with the blood transfusion.

"Ok.Come with me sir,then.
We'll do some tests to see if your blood type is healthy and compatible, and if it is then we will make the transfusion."


"I think we got enough blood.Tell me if you feel any signs of diziness or if you are not feeling good,ok ?"

I just want to know if she'll be ok.

"We'll let you know how the blood transfusion went immediately after we do it.Now,if you excuse me sir,I have to go back to the patient."

An hour passed and I haven't found out anything new yet.I'm really starting to worry.

The same nurse came to me and said:"The transfusion went well and know the patient is resting.You can visit her but I'm afraid you won't be able to talk to her right now.She is under medicine to help her with the pain.She is in the room 204,first on the right."

"Thank you !"


She was laying on the bed,sleeping but not looking peaceful.She could still feel the pain.I caressed her cheek and placed a kiss on her forehead.I took her hand into mine and started to talk to her knowing that she will probably not even hear me nor talk to me.

Nicki...Thanks God you are ok!I don't know what would I do if something bad would ever happen to you...It's like...I don't know I get all this mixed emotions and... when I saw you there laying on the ground hurt and unconscious something broke inside of me.I was hurt.I could feel pain and anger.Who would ever want to hurt such a beautiful,talented girl ?I swear to God I'mma hurt him so bad...he will wish he never touched you.

I didn't know what to say anymore.I was thankful she was ok.The only sound in the room was now the heart monitor beeping.I was loving this sound.It's the sound that gives me hope and makes me happy,knowing that her beautiful heart is still beating.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter as much as I enjoyed writting it :)
Thanks for all your comments and votes so far.It helps me a lot and it motivates me to keep writting the book.
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See you in the next one ;)

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