-7-Without You

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"You have one call to collect from Philadelphia's Prison,press 1 if you want to accept the phone call"


Nicki's POV

I quickly pressed 1 to answer the phone call.

??Hello,Nicki ?


Meek:Yeah..it's me.

Nicki:Oh my God,why are you in prison ?

Meek:It was all planned out.

Nicki:Wait...what was planned,what do you mean ?

Meek:That bitch ass nigga,Safaree .He called the police and made me grab that gun so when the cops will arrive they'll think it's mine.Look I don't got much time on the phone but if that nigga tries something call Tak or Omelly.Stay at my house,you'll find a key under the mat.Promise me you'll take care of yourself,ok ?

I nodded and then remembering he can't see me I said lightly "Ok".

Nicki:Promise me you'll come home soon and you'll call me.I miss you,Meek.Take care of you too.Ok?

Meek:Ok.I gotta go now,bye babygirl !


The phone call ended and I got sad.I love hearing his voice.I swear his thick Philly accent does something to me.

I got out of my trance and realised I was still in the car.My packed bag was in my passenger seat so not knowing what elese to do I put the key in the ignition,started the engine and made my way to Meek's house.

I looked under the mat at the front door and as Meek said a key was there.I unlocked the door and got inside.The house was full of emptiness.Meek's house it's big and I never got to see all the rooms he has in here.I put my bag on the couch near me and I turned on the TV.Eventually I turned it off because I couldn't focus on anything that was on the TV.I remembered I haven't talk to my mon in days so I grabbed my phone and dialled her number.My and my family used to be close but I got famous and along with being famous comes a lot of work and unfortunately being apart from your family.A voice stopped my thoughts.

M.C:Onika.Are you ok ?

Yeah,I'm...I'm good.

M.C:Don't lie to me I can hear in your voice something's not right.

I sighed and then I said:"Me and Safaree broke up"


He ...he ...cheated.. on me,I said in between sobs.He was being abusive,I don't know what would've happen if Meek didn't come in time to save me.

M.C: Oh my God.Are you ok ?

I'm good now but Meek... he's in jail.

M.C:Why is he in jail ?

After we talked for like 30 mins and we told each other to take care,I promised I'll call her more often and I ended the call.

I was bored,sad and tired so I started walking around the house.I don't know how but I ended up in front of Meek's room.

I pressed the door handle and got in.I looked at my surroundings.The room was big and had a modern vibe to it,with white and black furniture,a big tv...

There was another door in the room that led to a bathroom just like most of the rooms in here have.I opened that door and noticed that this was probably the biggest room with the biggest bathroom in this house.

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