-9-Moment 4 Life

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Previous Chapter :

"Meek:Yeah..that was it but...nope,I'm not telling you.You're cute when you acting childish tho'."

Nicki's POV:

I hit his arm,start to pout and then turn on the radio."I'm So Into You" started playing and we both started singing,but at one point I got tired.It must be the combination of pills I'm taking for my treatment and my Percs.

Meek doesn't know and I hope he won't find out I'm taking Perccocets.It's just that....sometimes pills can make everything better.I've become addicted since I started to feel unhappy and insecure around Safaree.He was telling me constantly that I'm a worthless bitch and that nobody will ever love me so I got into a sort of depression and these pills are really helping me take my mind off things.

Meek:Why don't you rest a little ?We still have 2 hours till we get there.

I nodded,yawned,rested my head on the window and fell asleep.

Meek's POV:

I am admiring Nicki while she is sleeping.She looks so peaceful and beautiful just like a little angel.My little angel.I can't believe she finally agreed to give me a chance.I'mma treat her right,I'mma show her I'm the one for her.I wanna surprise her.

After she said she'll give me a chance an ideea came to my mind.Why don't we stay at the mansion I got in Dubai for a couple of days ? I hired somebody who arranged the place with rose petals,candles,ordered food and champagne for tonight.I want to get to know her better,I want her to relax and enjoy the time we spend there.After all that has happened she deserves a break.

We arrived at the airport and not wanting to wake her up,I go the the other side of the car,open the door and carry her bridal style to the private jet.Someone carries our luggage,I go and lay Nicki down on the bed in the private room,I cover her with a blanket to make sure she isn't cold, I go in the main part of the airplane to speak to the pilot and then I sit in one of the leather armchairs and put my seatbelt on.

Nicki's POV:

I opened my eyes and realised I was no longer in the car.My surroundings were telling me I was on a plane....wait...a plane ? Why would I be on a plane ? Is Meek here ?
I was confused and a little bit dizzy but I got up from the bed and opened the door that was leading to the main part of the airplane.Meek was there in a leather armchair with his head placed on the headrest.I made my way to him.

Rihmeek,baby,why are we on a plane ? Where are we going ?

He turned to face me but didn't got the chance to answer because the plane started to tilt sideways.The airplane was having a turbulence.I got really scared and I thought I was going to fall because I wasn't on a armchair and I had no belt wrapped around my waist.I hate planes.It is indeed a way to get to your destination faster but it's dangerous.The plane tilted to the right and thankfully Meek caught me with his arms, placed me on his lap and fastened the seat belt around both of us.I closed my eyes shut and wrapped my arms around his neck,praying nothing bad is going to happen.

Meek:Baby,it's ok,the plane just had a turbulence,open your eyes,you're safe.

The plane stopped tilting and the flight was now smooth.

I opened my eyes and looked into his.The way he was holding me,the way he was looking at me made me feel safe and protected.

I loved the way he was saying "Baby".It was the first time he called me this and I couldn't stop smiling.It sounded so good....

I love the way you say "Baby".

Meek:Is that so,..baby ?


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