-5-Stay with me

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Meek's POV:

I almost fell asleep when Nicki squeezed my hand lightly.She was waking up.

Nicki's POV:

Someone was holding my hand which was warm by now.
It was so comforting.The person's skin was soft and warm and for some reason I was feeling protected.I squeezed the person's hand and opened my eyes.It was Meek.I begun to smile.He opened his eyes too when I squeezed his hand.He looked tired but somehow relieved.He gave me a smile too.I'm sure he thought I was. sleeping when he told me all that has happened but I heard it all.And when he kissed my forehead..it felt so good, so right.

"Hey",he said.

"How do you feel ?"

My body doesn't hurt but my heart...it's ..broken.How could he do this to me ?What do the other bitches he was sleeping with have more than I do ?What did I do wrong ?Am I not good enough ?

I started crying.The tears were flowing down fast on my face.I saw Meek coming closer to me.He started to wipe my tears with his thumb and looked me in the eyes.

"Nobody that's as beautiful as you should ever cry.You are more than enough.You are everything a man wishes and more.You didn't do anything wrong.He didn't deserve you and I don't think there's somebody in this world who ever will."

He pulled me in an embrace not caring that my tears were staining his T-shirt.My heart started beating faster.I didn't know why was I feeling like this or what was this feeling but I knew he could feel it too just by hearing his heart that was matching the rythm of mine.I wanted this moment to last forever.Me staying like this in his strong arms,taking in his scent,feeling his heart beating and feeling protected,safe.

"You are perfect!Don't you ever forget that",he said before kissing my forehead one more time.

A doctor came and we pulled apart.I know she was just doing her job but I wish she hadn't come.I never wanted that moment to stop.

"Hello,Ms Maraj !I'm doctor Green.How do you feel ?"

My body doesn't hurt anymore thanks to the medicine you're administrating me so I guess I'm good.

"Glad to hear that,miss"

"I know you might be pretty confused about how you got here considering the fact that you were passed out when the paramedics came at your home.An ambulance was called, came to your house and brought you here.You arrived just in time...if you would have been brought later.....but you got here right on time and all this thanks to your caring boyfriend who even donated some of his blood so you could survive."

"I am not her boyfriend"

Umm..he is not my boyfriend.

We both said at the same time

Though I would wish, my subconscious added.Wait....did I just think that ?I guess they gave me too many pills and I can't think straight,I am sleepy...Yeah it should be one of those.

"Oh" was all the doctor said.

"Miss Maraj,we have a problem.The press and the paparazzi have found out that you are here, in the hospital and they surrounded the area.If you'll stay this night in the hospital then maybe by tommorow morning the press will find out the reason you are here and pictures will be all over the newspapers and internet.We will do all we can to maintain your privacy but I've been dealing with problems of this type for quite some time and I know that there's not really much we can do.We take all the meassures that are needed but somehow the press still finds out.If you want we can make some quick tests to see if you are able to go home but of course going home means being supervised by a nurse for the next two days to make sure your health will be under control and that you will take your medicine.I'll let you think about this and I will come back later".

After she got out I sighed.

Great!Now this was exactly what I was needing:dealing with the press.
I wanted to get out of the hospital but I was too scared to go back home because of Safaree and because I couldn't consider that place my house anymore,now it is just a place that brings me bad memories and pain.I knew Safaree was cheating on me a long time before yesterday happened but I didn't want to believe it.

"So...what will you do ?",Meek asked me.

"I'll get out of the hospital today and I'll go to a hotel for a couple of days.I don't wanna get back there."

"Nicki,come on..You don't have to go to a hotel.I have like nine bedrooms in my house,you can stay with me.You won't need a nurse checking up on you anymore cus' I'll do that myself and you won't be alone."

No....You've already done more than enough for me.I don't want to get in your way.You don't have to do this.

"But I want to.Ok ?"

Ok.Thank you !Nobody has ever done so much for me in such little time.

He chuckled and then said:"My pleasure."

The doctor came back and asked me about my decision.

Discharge me from the hospital.

" I'll get the dischargement papers ready right away.I'll print you a copy of the treatment you'll have to follow and then you are ready to go."

Ok.Thank you,doctor.


Meek's POV

I managed to get Nicki in the car without the press knowing and we were on the way to my home.I looked on the back bench of the car and Nicki was sleeping.Not wanting to wake her up after we arrived I carried her inside of the house and took her in one of the guest bedrooms upstairs.After placing her on the bed,making sure she was comfortable and putting a blanket over her I kissed her on the forehead which was now a habbit for me,and made my way to my room.

It was already midnight and I was tired so I got in the bed and fell asleep.

A scream woke me up.I got out of the bed and followed the noise.I opened the door of the bedroom Nicki was in and saw her shaking and screaming in her sleep.

Stop !


You are hurting me!

I went to the bed and shook her lightly.

Shhh....Nicki wake up !It's okay ,it was just a nightmare.

She stopped shaking and opened her eyes.

Meek ?

Yes.I'm here.It's okay,you are safe.

She hugged me and I was loving the feeling,I could stay like this forever.I started doing circles on the back of her hand to calm her down.

You know I got you,right ?
I would never let anything bad happen to you.Now go and get some sleep,you need to rest.

She nodded and I got up so I could get to my room.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the bed.
Please don't leave...Stay with me.

I wrapped my arm around her waist,kissed her forehead and said:

Goodnight,beautiful !

Goodnight,Meek !

1203 words.Yey! :))
My longest chapter by now.I'll get better. ;)
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