-12-Where are U Now

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"One of the men took me and the other took Miss Nicki.We got outside and then I saw a black van.They opened the trunk door and threw us both in there.

??:Don't do anything stupid,kid or you'll regret it."

Papi's POV:

I couldn't see anything,blackness was everywhere,covering us.The trunk had no windows so I couldn't see where were we.Miss Nicki was still sleeping.I wanted to wake her up but i couldn't do anything because my hands and legs were tied.

Miss Nicki,wake up,wake up !,I whispered.

I couldn't speak loud because the people that took us would hear us.

The car came to a stop and I started to get scared.

I didn't know what to do.I thought about faking to sleep.I usually do this when I get in trouble and my mom wants to punish me.I closed my eyes and let my head down.I heard the doors opening and then closing.The trunk door opened too.

??:Man,do we really have to do this ?

??:Shut the fuck up and take the kid.I'll take her.

I was picked up and carried.

??:We'll take them in the basement ?

??:Stop asking so many fucking questions ! Follow me and shut up.Do you want to get in trouble ?We'll take them in the basement and wait untill our boss tells us what to do.

One of them opened the door and then both climbed down some stairs.The temperature quickly changed.It was really cold and I started to freeze.The one that was holding me let me down on a cold surface and untied me."He's a kid,he can't do anything,he said".I guess the other guy let her down too because then I heard steps climbing up the stairs,they closed the door and then locked it.

I opened my eyes,we were in a basement.I looked around.There room was almost empty.Some old boxes covered with dust,a light bulb on the ceilling and just me and miss Nicki.I went to her and started shaking her up.She opened her eyes slowly and when se saw my face she started to smile.

Nicki's POV:

I was really cold,I was feeling dizzy and sleepy.Somebody was shaking me and I opened my eyes.It was Papi.I was surprised he was in front of me but I started to smile because of his cuteness.He started to cry.I wanted to ask him why but I looked at my surroundings and understood. Everything that happened till I blacked out came back to me.We were now in a basement,God knows where.

Where is Meek,did they took him too,is he ok ?Now terror could be written all over my face.I quickly covered the fear because Papi was really scared and me being weak wouldn't help him at all."It's gonna be ok",I mumbled,not being able to speak properly because of the tape that was on my mouth.Papi understood that I couldn't speak and untaped my mouth.

Miss Nicki,I'm scared,Papi said with a small voice letting his head down.

I know you might not like me,but I want you to know that no matter what I'm gonna protect you,ok ?

Papi:I like you Miss Nicki but now that you and my dad are together he won't play with me anymore,he won't spend time with me because now he has you and he loves you more than me.I really miss my dad...

What ?No,Papi,your dad loves you so much...you can't even imagine.He told me about you a lot,he told me how you two have fun,how much he loves and cares about you.You are the most precious thing he has,he will never give up on you.

Papi:I'm sorry I was mean to you,Miss Nicki.

It's ok.

He came closer to me and looked like he wanted to do something but something was holding him back.He hugged me,kissed my cheek and then blushed.

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