-15-Sweet Dreams

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Prevoius chapter:

"I started kissing her neck and she moved her head to the side to give me access.Soft moans escaped her lips,I knew I was making her feel good.

Let me make you feel good,baby...

Nicki's POV:

With my eyes still closed,I was enjoying the feeling of having Meek's arms wrapped around me.Do I want to open my eyes ? The answer is no.I wasn't ready to face the reality just yet.

Meek shifted and we were now a little too far from each other and my warm body started to feel the harsh coldness as I was only covered with a blanket.I wanted to scoot closer to him but there was no need.I guess he felt I was no longer near him because he pulled me back in his arms.My bare back was now touching his bare chest,warming my body.I managed to roll over between his strong arms that were holding me tight and I placed a kiss on his lips.He didn't open his eyes and I didn't want to wake him up.

I heard small steps on the hallway so I made sure my body was fully covered.The door opened and in the doorway stood a sleepy Papi rubbing his eyes,trying to stay awake.I smiled at the sight.He is a mini version of Meek,they look so much alike,it's like they are twins.

Papi:Good Morning,Miss Nicki...I can't sleep and I'm hungry.

Morning,baby.Why don't you go downstairs and watch some cartoons and after that I'll come too and make breakfast ? You can even help if you want.

Papi:I can help ? Yey !

He got excited and I placed a finger over my mouth and said:Shhh trying not to wake Meek up cus it was 6:30 in the morning.

Let's not wake your father up too.

He giggled and nodded then closed the door and ran to the stairs that were leading to the living room.

I got up slowly from the bed and went to the bathroom.After I did my morning routine I looked for something comfortable to wear and I finally decided to put some boy shorts,a bra a and tank top on me.Above these I put my pink robe on because it was kind of cold.
I took my pink fuzzy slippers and opened the door before closing it back again and made my way downstairs.

Papi was in the living room watching cartoons and once he saw me,he literally jumped from the couch and ran to me.He opened his arms,reaching for me so I picked him up,he wasn't heavy at all.

We went to the kitchen and I placed him on the counter.

What you want to eat,Papi ?

He put his thumb and his index finger to his chin as if he was thinking really hard.He even frowned to add more effect.Then he started smilling as if a brilliant ideea came to his mind.I started to smile and then laugh,he was too cute.

Papi:I know what I want...PANCAKES

Alright Papi,pancakes it is.

Papi:Yey !

He did a happy dance I've never seen and once again I was in awe because of his cuteness.

Why don't you dance with me,Miss Nicki ?All you gotta do is move your head like this and then your hands like this.

He showed me how should I dance and I started dancing.We were really having fun,I felt like a kid again.

Meek's POV:

I woke up and saw that Nicki wasn't in the bed,her spot was empty.I got up,went to take a shower and do my higyene and then I got dressed.I heard laughs from downstairs that were belonging to Nicki and Papi so I followed the sound till I arrived in the living room.They were in the kitchen and I made my way to the door of the kitchen to see what they were doing.

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