-2-All Eyes On You

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Nicki's POV

I was kind of nervous to be alone with Meek in the car.I don't know where all this nervousness comes from but it does.I was watching outside the window as Meek was driving and I couldn't stop thinking about how unhappy I am with Safaree.I accepted going to club cus' I didn't want to deal with him but I don't know if it was a good ideea...when I'll arrive home he'll definitely be twice angry.

Meek's POV

Something was on her mind,I could tell that.She sighed and then I tried to get her attention.

Nicki !

Nic !


She was still zoning out so I touched her thigh.She turned to look at me and I saw she was surprised that I touched her.I had to I mean she was so into her thoughts but I gotta admit I also wanted to see how her skin feels.It was really soft.

"Huh ?",she said.

Are you alright ?

Nicki:"Yeah..I was just...thinking.Why wouldn't I be alright ?"

You were zoning out I kept calling you but you were lost in your thoughts.
It's about Safaree isn't it ?

Nicki:"Yeah..I mean...he is not who he used to be anymore.He puts money fame and all that on the first place and what's worse is that I don't think I even get the second place.It's like ..he doesn't love me anymore just for who I am,without the money,the fame.."

She was really sad..I wanted to change the subject so she could think of something else but I wanted to know one more thing.

Do you still love him ?

Nicki:"I do love him,we have been together for 12 years...but I'm not in love with him anymore.Anyway...how you've been ?I haven't seen you for quite some time "

You know.. the usual,trying to get this money,working on my new album.I wanna get it done by the end of this year.What about you ?What you've been up to ?

Nicki:"I'm working on my upcoming album too.It's going to be called "The Pinkprint".I really put effort into this one.I still need to finish a couple of songs and maybe add a couple ones too.If we both working on our albums maybe we could collab.I'll do something for yours and you'll do something for mine."

That would be dope.Let's hit the studio these days.


Nicki's POV:

After I texted Sherika and my other bestfriends to come at the club we arrived.

We were in the front of the club and Meek one more time opened the door for me and helped me get out of the car.We enetered the club which was packed .As soon as the people saw us they started screaming and cheering.The dj's announced our appereance.

Hold up !
It seems Meek Mill and Nicki Minaj just entered the club now the party can really start.

Everybody started cheering again as we made our way towards the VIP tables.The chasers were already there and my girls too.We said "Hi" to everyone and then Meek asked me if I want a drink.We went to the bar and Meek said he'll have Ciroc so I just said I want that too.

After a couple more drinks and shots I finally felt happy and wanted to live in the moment.I looked at Meek...he was looking so good in those jeans...and that white T-shirt that was like a second skin on him so I just grabbed Meek's hand and made my way to the dance floor near our tables.

The Dj started to play Anaconda so me and my girls begun to twerk.I was grinding on him,he pulled me closer as he was holding me by my hips.He moved closer to my ear and whispered with that thick sexy Philly accent that kind of turned me on :"What you tryna do to me,Nic?".His bottom lip brushed my cheek as he said the last word and I shivered as I felt his lip against my skin.I loved the feeling of his lip on my cheek ..but maybe if he moved his lips a little just so I could taste them.Great!Now I'm wondering how his lips taste.My subconcious shook her head at me and gave me a glare. I just smiled and blushed.
Forrunately,he didn't see my red cheeks thanks to the darkness of the club.Sherika brought a bottle of vodka which looked dangereously delicious.She asked me if i want some but Meek responded before me.

Meek:I think she had enough.We don't want to get her pretty little self drunk.

I just chuckled and blushed one more time for the fact that he kind of told me I'm pretty and then said :"I'm already drunk.But no I don't want more vodka although it looks extremely drinkable.

Meek chuckled too and asked me if I'm ready to go.I nodded and got out of the club.

It was really cold outside and I could feel the freezing wind blowing even with my fur coat on.It was almost december so of course it was really cold outside.Either I was way too drunk to know how to walk or there was ice on the ground cus'I stumbled and lost my balance.I was waiting for the impact with the ground but it never came.Two strong hands saved me from falling and I know just by the feeling I got that they belonged to Meek.And then he did something unexpected...he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car.After we was both in the car,Meek started the engine and begun to drive to my house.There was a comforting silence in the car so I didn't bother to start a conversation.The car came to a stop and Meek told me we arrived at my house.

"Thank You!",I said.

Meek:"For what ?"

For inviting me to the club I really needed this and I enjoyed every bit of it.

Meek:"I thank you for coming .You want me to carry you again so you make it safely in the house ?"

I wouldn't mind but I think I'll manage this time.

We both started laughing and then he said "Goodnight, beautiful !".

Goodnight,Meek !
After I kissed him on his cheek I got out of the car and made my way towards the house.Meek left and I started to open my door with a huge smile on my face.I finally had fun tonight,I felt happy,I felt carefree and most importantly he managed to get my mind off of things.

My smile turned quickly into a shocked expression after opening the door.

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