-3-The Crying Game part 1

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Nicki's POV

I opened the door and in that very moment shock and anger could be written all over my face.Everything was shattered.There were shards and bottles all over the floor,the windows were broken and the furniture was overturned.Firstly,I thought I was robbed but then I remembered my alarm system is always on when I'm not home...and there's only one person that knows the password besides me...Safaree.But why would he do this ? I'm sure he isn't the one that did this.But who did it then ?

I started to get a little frightened just thinking of who could possibly be in my house.I advanced in the house and noticed that clothes were thrown all over the staircase that leads to the first floor of the house..female clothes to be more precise.Anger started building up in me.I started to follow the clothes and I arrived on the first floor without even noticing.I heard laughter coming from one room.I followed the sound and passed all the ten bedrooms my house has on this floor and eventually I got in front of only one door,the eleventh room in my house,me and Safaree's bedroom.

I carefully listened the conversation two people were having in my bedroom.

"That bitch will be so fucking angry when she'll get home.I can't wait to see the look she'll have on that ugly face of hers."

"Yeah babe.I'm glad you called me you know I'll do anything for you right ?"

"That's why I like you Trisha,you know to appreciate me.You don't ask questions and let's be serious you get your reward too.You ready for round two ?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing nor I wanted to believe it.
I opened the door with all the strength and anger I had in me.The door slammed in the wall and then I saw him and that bitch that was getting out of my bathroom in my bath robe.I had enough.

"Oh hey babe",he said.

I turned to face the bitch that was wearing my fucking bath robe and shouted:"Get the fuck out !I don't know who you are and I don't care but I bet you wouldn't want to get to know me.Stay one more minute in my house and you'll regret you were ever born."

She just ran and after I heard the front door slam shut I turned to look at him.I can't even pronnounce his name anymore.

Safaree:"You liked my gift ?I wanted to surprise you.Look,bitch you are going to give me what I want and you are going to agree with everything I say.Understood?"

"What if I don't ?"

"Don't get all brave on me.You aren't capable of anything bitch ! not even making me happy.So to make your boyfriend happy we gon' marry and I will have half of your fortune.And you gon' make our relationship official.I'll be famous,I'll have money and after that I'm done with you.Now....to answer your question.If you don't...well you'll get this "

He hit me and threw me on the floor.
He kicked me in my stomach and punched my face repeatedly.I could feel the taste of blood in my mouth.I was bleeding.I couldn't bare any more pain I tried to react and punch him back but my body felt numb and weak.His hand gripped my throat and he started choking me.My vision got blurred but I still managed to shout:

Stop !


You are hurting me,stop !

I tried to find something around me so I could hit him.My hand finally reached a bottle that was on the ground.I took the bottle and smashed it against his head but it wasn't enough.I was too weak.He slammed my head again against the wall.

You are lucky I still need you.
Otherwise you would be dead by now,bitch !

And with that he got out of the room,he slammed the door and locked my in.

I was laying on the ground covered in my own blood.

Tears were streaming down my face.I know I was damaged phisically but my body didn't hurt anymore.The only thing that was hurting was my heart.If my body is broken then I'm sure my heart is shattered.

The lights were getting dimmer,the room was spinning,my eyes were shutting down.In the darkness that was veiling me I could still see something.

My life was playing in front of me.I was the main character surrounded by different actors:my family,my friends.I saw all the beautiful moments in my life,good memories,bad times..The last thing that played in my head was tonight.The club...Meek.A smile made it's way to my face through all the pain.

It's this the moment I die ?It's this how it all begins and in the same time ends ?Was it worth it...my life..Did I live it right ?

Nicki !

Nicki !

Are you here ?

Somebody was knocking on the door.
Why can't they just be quiet ?
I want to sleep.

Meek...I whispered his name...and then the darkness absorbed me.

Thanks for reading ! :)
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