-6-Locked away

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Nicki's POV

Meek was already sleeping but I just couldn't fall asleep.Too much things were on my mind.I was thinking of Safaree and I still can't believe he changed so much.I knew he was cheating on me way before I've seen him with that bitch Trisha.When the tears were rolling down on my face he wasn't even noticing me crying..or...he just didn't care.I can't believe I wasted 12 years with this man.I can't say that all of this time was a waste.I loved him,I was happy with him,I don't think I got over it yet.I still love him.But things change,times change and so do people.

I am watching Meek sleeping.He looks so peaceful,so happy.I begin to take in his features.He has his eyes closed but still I can see his brown eyes that tend to darken everytime he gets angry or sad.I noticed this everytime I got hurt.I remember back at the hospital his eyes were filled with worry,hope and something else I can't realy define yet.I love that he cares for me.Except for my family I have nobody that I can feel so protected with.Safaree was exactly the opposite.I always had to take the matter in my own hands.When he was in trouble,and trust me there were plenty of times,I was the one to solve his problems.

Meek's breathing is steady.My eyes drift to his lips.His lips....so big and plump.
No! Focus Nicki,focus! He is just a friend.
Yeah...a friend that you are now in a bed with,in his house.
Yeah...but he was just making sure I am safe and sound.
My subconscious shakes her head at me.
I can't help but notice his collar bone,his sharp jawline, his strong arms and his tatoos.
Hmm..I wonder what do they mean and how many he has.

I want to get up cus' I really can't sleep.Just as I was about to get up Meek pulled me closer to him.I rested my head on his chest.It was then,when our skins touched,my heart started beating faster,my eyes started to close and finally I fell asleep.


My body was cold and my head was not anymore reasting on a nice and soft pillow.I yawned,stretched and opened my eyes.The sun was trying to get in the room through the tick blue curtains,creating patterns on the opposite wall.

I started to look in the room,at my surroundings and in the bed trying to remember where I am and then everything came back to me.I remembered yesterday,me agreeing to come here,falling asleep in the car,waking up in the middle of the night by a nightmare,Meek coming in the room comforting me and cuddling with me,me studying his perfect features.Wait....perfect ?
I don't know what's going on with me I mean I'm not starting to fall for Meek right ?....right?
Anyway I'm too hungry to think of this.I can't think straight when I'm hungry.I wonder where's Meek at.
I think about going downstairs and finding something to eat but instead I decide to find a bathroom and do my morning routine first.Walking around the room I see another door besides the main one which leads to the hall.I make my way to that door and open it.It's a bathroom,exactly what I was hoping for.I get in the bathroom,undress myself and hop in the shower.The water is hot and feels so good on my skin,almost like it's embracing me.I use the shower gel that I find in the bath tub which has a strong and nice scent.After washing myself and spending other 5 minutes just enjoying the warmness of the water I get out of the bath tub and look for a towell.I open a drawer and find like 3 or 4 towells and I choose the biggest one.I wrap it around my body but then I notice it's a bit short,as it covers my body stopping exactly above my knees.

I open the bathroom door to go in the room and I see Meek.I stop walking,he stops from placing some clothes on the bed and we both look at each other.His eyes drift from mines to my body and even if he is trying to make it unoticeable I can see that he is checking me out.I remember I have only a towel on me and start to blush.His eyes move then to my lips and he starts coming closer to me.I look at his lips too,really wanting to kiss them but I take a step back.He stops too and I thank God he starts to talk becaus the tension between us was too big.

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